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Volvo Semi Tractor Trailer Trucks

Volvo Trucks Launches Next-Generation Safety Systems To Protect Pedestrians and Cyclists

Volvo Trucks is introducing two safety systems focusing on protecting pedestrians and cyclists. Volvo Trucks continuously develops its active safety systems to protect vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians, all with the purpose of taking steps towards the company’s long-term vision of zero accidents involving Volvo trucks.

The latest example is Volvo’s Active Side Collision Avoidance Support, where the key word is active. This is an evolution of an existing safety system, with the active brake function being added. Using radar sensors to detect approaching cyclists, the system can warn the driver and if necessary, it can now also actively brake the truck to avoid a collision with cyclists when turning the truck towards the passenger side.

The Active Side Collision Avoidance Support system will be available for customers to order as from November 2024 in the Volvo FH range, FM and FMX models in all markets globally.

The second system is Volvo Trucks’ next-generation Collision Warning with Emergency Brake. This system was first introduced in 2012 and has been continuously improved ever since. It uses both camera and radar sensors to monitor the traffic ahead of the truck and if a risk for a collision is detected, the system is designed to warn the driver, and if necessary, automatically brake to avoid or mitigate the collision.

With the latest improvements, this system can detect, warn and brake not only for other vehicles but also for pedestrians and cyclists. It has been certified to meet the new tougher European legislation for Advanced Emergency Brake Systems that doesn’t come into force until 2028. In addition, Volvo Trucks’ system even exceeds the coming regulation in terms of the traffic situations it is designed to cover.

This autobrake system is standard equipment in Europe on all FH series, FM and FMX trucks as from 2025 and available as option globally.

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