Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Izingxenye Zemoto Nezesekeli » AbakwaVolvo bazokwethula iloli likagesi elino-600 KM Range

AbakwaVolvo bazokwethula iloli likagesi elino-600 KM Range

Next year Volvo will launch a new long-range version of its FH Electric that will be able to reach up to 600 km (373 miles) on one charge. This will allow transport companies to operate electric trucks on interregional and long-distance routes and to drive a full working day without having to recharge. The new Volvo FH Electric will be released for sale during the second half of 2025.

The enabler for the 600 km range is Volvo’s new e-axle, which creates space for significantly more battery capacity onboard. More efficient batteries, a further improved battery management system and overall efficiency of the powertrain also contribute to the extended range.

Volvo Trucks is a global leader in medium- and heavy-duty electric trucks with eight battery-electric models in their portfolio. The wide product range makes it possible to electrify city and regional distribution, construction, waste management and, soon, long distance transport. Volvo has so far delivered more than 3,800 electric trucks to customers in 46 countries around the world.

Volvo Trucks is using a three-path technology strategy to reach zero emissions. The three-path technology approach is built on battery electric, fuel cell electric and combustion engines that run on renewable fuels such as green hydrogen, biogas or HVO (Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil).

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