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Izinhlobo Ezingcono Kakhulu Zokwenza Izinduna: Amathiphu Esikhumba Esinezinduna

People who are dealing with acne-prone skin can often find it difficult to find the right makeup. Some types of makeup cause the acne to flare up, so it’s important to get acne makeup that allows the skin to remain breakout-free and healthy. Choosing the wrong makeup can cause the pores to clog up and create more irritation in sensitive areas.

Keep reading to learn more about choosing acne makeup and what consumers are looking for in their products in 2025.

Global market value of anti-acne cosmetics
Best types of acne makeup
How to effectively remove makeup on acne-prone skin

Global market value of anti-acne cosmetics

Young man applying cream to face with no acne

Acne is a skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. There are different levels of acne, and in some cases individuals will need to seek expert advice and more intense treatments to help clear their skin.

In 2024, the global market value of anti-acne cosmetics reached USD 5.29 billion. This number is expected to increase to at least I-USD 12.65 billion ekupheleni kuka-2034, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.11% during that period. Over the next decade, Europe is expected to have the fastest growing market, with both Germany and France leading the way.

Best types of acne makeup

Young woman applying liquid concealer to chin area

There are now some fantastic products on the shelves that will help with acne-prone skin. The best types of acne makeup should exclude harsh chemicals and fragrances that can easily clog the pores. The makeup also needs to offer some sort of hydrating features to help keep the skin soft and calm while it’s being worn.

According to Google Ads, “acne makeup” has an average monthly search volume of 880. Of this number, the most searches come in March, May, and August, but they also remain consistent throughout the year, never dropping below 800 searches per month.

Google Ads also shows that the most searched for acne makeup is “tinted moisturizer with SPF” with 33,100 monthly searches followed by “mineral foundation” with 9900 searches and “non-comedogenic concealer” with 6600 searches per month. Keep reading to learn more about each of these acne makeups.

Tinted moizturizer with SPF

Arm with different shades of tinted moisturizer in a row

For acne-prone skin, it’s important that the makeup offers lightweight coverage. Okubhaliwe moisurizer nge-SPF is a game-changer in the industry. It’s a multitasking product that provides hydration and can even out the skin tone while protecting the skin against harmful UV rays. UV rays are known to prolong the healing of acne scars and worsen hyperpigmentation, so this is an important feature.

This lightweight foundation is very breathable and can reduce the likelihood of clogged pores. Some options will include acne-fighting ingredients such as salicylic acid which makes them the perfect choice for enhancing the skin’s appearance. The full-coverage foundation versions of this moisturizer are among the best cosmetic products out there.

Mineral foundation

Selection of mineral foundation powder in small plastic jars

Mineral foundation is the perfect alternative for consumers who are concerned with using makeup that contains oils and other common irritants. It offers buildable coverage that provides a natural and lightweight finish. Mineral foundation is formulated using ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide which also have anti-inflammatory and calming properties to help soothe irritated skin.

This type of makeup is known to offer natural sun protection too, so it’s a very versatile option for people looking to enhance their complexion without worrying about their skin health.

Non-comedogenic concealer

Woman applying concealer using stick to acne skin

For consumers who are concerned about clogged pores, the non-comedogenic concealer is a great option. This concealer is specifically formulated with ingredients that are non-pore clogging and lightweight. This ensures that the conceal seamlessly blends into the skin while remaining gentle. Options that include soothing ingredients such as tea tree oil or salicylic acid can help to reduce irritation and inflammation while concealing blemishes, redness, and scars.

The non-comedogenic concealer is a reliable choice and one that’s making big waves among acne-prone consumers who are looking to get clearer skin and a natural finish.

How to effectively remove makeup on acne-prone skin

Young girl removing makeup using cotton pad in bathroom

The makeup removal process is just as important as applying makeup. Effectively removing makeup on acne-prone skin can help to prevent further breakouts and maintain a clear complexion. Products such as amanzi we-micellar or an oil-free cleansing balm are the perfect option for this process as they won’t clog up the pores. This should be followed up with a mild cleanser that can thoroughly cleanse the skin to ensure no residue remains. To finish, the use of a i-moisturizer engasindi to restore hydration is recommended.

Consumers will want to avoid any scrubbing motion as that can irritate the skin more and exacerbate acne. Products that have harsh chemicals and claim to be good for “drying out” acne should also be avoided.


Acne makeup can be tricky to buy. Depending on the level of acne on the skin, consumers will be looking for active natural ingredients that can help soothe skin irritation without clogging the pores. Makeup such as tinted moisturizer with SPF, mineral foundation, and non-comedogenic concealer are all excellent makeup choices for acne-prone skin that don’t have any harmful chemicals in their formula.

In the coming years, the anti-acne cosmetics market is expecting a much higher demand for acne makeup that includes all natural ingredients. Many consumers are already turning towards these types of products due to the negative effects that some makeups can have on the skin. Thanks to full coverage acne makeup, any type of acne can easily be covered up during day and night, and it’s no longer something that people need to simply put up with.

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