Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Izingxenye Zemoto Nezesekeli » Ukuhlaziywa kwe-T&E: Ukuthengisa okuhamba kancane kwe-BEV eJalimane Kubuyiselwe Imakethe Yezimoto Kagesi ye-EU ngesigamu sokuqala sika-2024
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Ukuhlaziywa kwe-T&E: Ukuthengisa okuhamba kancane kwe-BEV eJalimane Kubuyiselwe Imakethe Yezimoto Kagesi ye-EU ngesigamu sokuqala sika-2024

Electric car sales continued to grow in Europe this year, with the exception of in Germany, according to a new analysis by environmental NGO Transport & Environment (T&E). Battery electric sales in the rest of the EU (excluding Germany) increased by 9.4% on average in the first half of the year, compared to the same period in 2023. In the whole EU, including Germany, the number of BEVs sold grew by just 1.3%.

T&E analysis based on ACEA data for January-.June 2024

The abrupt removal of purchase subsidies contributed to a 16.4% decrease in BEV sales in Germany in the first half of 2024. A stable and supportive regulatory environment is key to avoiding stagnation and locking in investment, T&E said.

T&E called on German lawmakers to follow Belgium’s company car policy which sets attractive depreciation rates for electric cars and phases out depreciation for combustion engines. As a result, BEV sales in Belgium increased by 48% in the first half of the year.

In the first half of 2024, EV sales grew in markets with supportive regulatory environments:

  • In France, which has a social leasing scheme to provide cheap electric cars to low-income households, BEV sales increased by 14.9% in H1 2024;
  • In Italy, BEV sales increased by 7.0% in the first half of the year, with a sales peak in June 2024 when new EV incentives were launched;
  • In Belgium, the company car segment drove the BEV market with a 47.8% increase in the first half of the year; and
  • In the UK, the ZEV mandate has driven the BEV market, with sales increasing by 9.2% in H1 2024.

While the number of BEV sales in the EU remained stable, the average BEV share decreased slightly to 12.5% (from 12.9% in H1 2023), according to the analysis. However, in the rest of the EU (excluding Germany) BEV market share increased to 12.5% in H1 2024 (from 12.0% in H1 2023).

Umthombo ovela I-Green Car Congress 

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