Izimoto & Ezokuthutha

I-AI Isetshenziswa Ezimotweni Ezizishayelayo noma Ezizihambelayo

I-Mobileye Yokuthuthukisa Isofthiwe, Izingxenyekazi zekhompuyutha kanye namamephu we-ID ye-VW yokuzishayela. Buzz AD

Following a pilot phase with road testing in Germany and the US, Volkswagen ADMT GmbH, part of Volkswagen AG, is announcing a cooperation agreement with the technology company Mobileye Global Inc. Mobileye will develop and supply software, hardware components and digital maps for the self-driving ID. Buzz AD. The main…

I-Mobileye Yokuthuthukisa Isofthiwe, Izingxenyekazi zekhompuyutha kanye namamephu we-ID ye-VW yokuzishayela. Buzz AD Funda kabanzi "

Izimoto ezisindayo edolobheni laseBucharest

I-T&E: Umkhakha Wezokuthutha WaseYurophu Uhlelelwe Ukwenza Cishe Ingxenye Yokukhishwa Kwezwekazi Lezwekazi ngo-2030

Transport alone is set to make up nearly half of Europe’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2030, new Transport & Environment (T&E) analysis shows. European transport emissions have increased by more than a quarter since 1990, and T&E’s State of European Transport analysis finds that while emissions across the wider…

I-T&E: Umkhakha Wezokuthutha WaseYurophu Uhlelelwe Ukwenza Cishe Ingxenye Yokukhishwa Kwezwekazi Lezwekazi ngo-2030 Funda kabanzi "

Ukuvala uphawu lweVolkswagen kugrille yemoto eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka

I-Volkswagen Enweba Amasistimu EDrayivu Ye-Passat Ngama-PHEV Amasha, Udizili

Volkswagen is significantly expanding the range of drive systems that are available for the new Passat: pre-sales of two new plug-in hybrid drives in Europe are now starting. The eHybrid models have outputs of 150 kW (204 PS) and 200 kW (272 PS). Electric ranges are up to 120 km…

I-Volkswagen Enweba Amasistimu EDrayivu Ye-Passat Ngama-PHEV Amasha, Udizili Funda kabanzi "

Imoto ephuzi ekhathuni enentuthu empunga ephuma epayipini le-exhaust

I-EPA Ikhipha Amazinga Okugcina Okungcoliswa Kwezinto Eziningi kwe-MY 2027 kanye ne-Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles

EPA announced a final rule, Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles, that sets new, more protective standards to further reduce air pollutant emissions from light-duty and medium-duty vehicles starting with model year 2027. The final standards will significantly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases…

I-EPA Ikhipha Amazinga Okugcina Okungcoliswa Kwezinto Eziningi kwe-MY 2027 kanye ne-Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles Funda kabanzi "

A close-up of the new blackMercedes-Benz

I-Mercedes-Benz GLC Plug-in Hybrid SUV Ukujoyina Uhla Lomkhiqizo ngo-2024

Mercedes-Benz USA announced a new plug-in hybrid variant of its popular GLC SUV model series, the 2025 GLC 350e 4MATIC SUV. The standard offerings of the GLC 300 4MATIC SUV will carry over to the plug-in hybrid, while adding more new standard features to enhance the electric experience. The new…

I-Mercedes-Benz GLC Plug-in Hybrid SUV Ukujoyina Uhla Lomkhiqizo ngo-2024 Funda kabanzi "

Isiteshi sokushaja imoto kagesi kanye ne-EV

I-Nissan kanye ne-Mitsubishi Corporation Ukuhlola Ibhizinisi Elisha ku-Next-Generation-Mobility kanye Nezinsizakalo Ezihlobene Namandla Esebenzisa ama-EV

Nissan Motor and Mitsubishi Corporation signed a memorandum of understanding to explore a new joint initiative in next-generation-mobility and energy-related services utilizing electric vehicles (EVs) to contribute to solving regional societal issues and to creating vibrant future communities. Japan as a country has been addressing issues such as driver shortages…

I-Nissan kanye ne-Mitsubishi Corporation Ukuhlola Ibhizinisi Elisha ku-Next-Generation-Mobility kanye Nezinsizakalo Ezihlobene Namandla Esebenzisa ama-EV Funda kabanzi "

Ilogo ye-Audi

Imodeli Yokuqala Yokukhiqiza ye-Audi Q6 e-tron ku-Premium Platform Electric (PPE); E3 1.2 I-Electronic Architecture

The Audi Q6 e‑tron is the first production model on the Premium Platform Electric (PPE). The PPE, developed jointly with Porsche, and the E3 1.2 electronic architecture are important milestones in the expansion of Audi’s global range of electrically powered models. Powerful, compact, and highly efficient electric motors, as well…

Imodeli Yokuqala Yokukhiqiza ye-Audi Q6 e-tron ku-Premium Platform Electric (PPE); E3 1.2 I-Electronic Architecture Funda kabanzi "

Amaloli eVolvo kagesi aboniswa

I-Volvo Ithola I-oda Yamaloli Kagesi Engeziwe Eyi-100 Avela kwa-DFDS

2024-03-18 I-Volvo Trucks ithole i-oda lamaloli kagesi ayi-100 enkampanini yezokuthutha i-DFDS. Ngalo myalelo wakamuva, i-DFDS isicishe yaphinda kabili imikhumbi yayo yamaloli kagesi i-Volvo yaba ngamaloli angu-225 esewonke—inkampani enkulu yamaloli amakhulu kagesi eYurophu. I-DFDS, enye yezinkampani ezinkulu zemikhumbi nezokuthutha…

I-Volvo Ithola I-oda Yamaloli Kagesi Engeziwe Eyi-100 Avela kwa-DFDS Funda kabanzi "

Ukungcoliswa komoya kwezimoto

Umbiko Uthola I-California Ingekho Esimeni Sokufinyelela Inhloso Yesimo Sezulu Yango-2030 Naphezu Kokwehlisa Ukukhishwa Kwe-GHG

In California, an increase in power sector greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from in-state generation, in recent years is offsetting progress made in the transportation sector, and threatening the state’s goals overall, according to the 15th annual California Green Innovation Index, released by the nonpartisan nonprofit Next 10 and prepared by…

Umbiko Uthola I-California Ingekho Esimeni Sokufinyelela Inhloso Yesimo Sezulu Yango-2030 Naphezu Kokwehlisa Ukukhishwa Kwe-GHG Funda kabanzi "

ama-pexels ama-lach

Ukuthenga Imoto 'Entsha Kuwe': Amathiphu Okuthenga Izimoto Ezisetshenzisiwe

Ingabe ucabanga ukuthenga imoto esetshenzisiwe? Kungenza umqondo ongcono kakhulu ngokwezezimali kunokuthenga okusha, kodwa kunezinto ezithile okufanele uzicabangele. Nakhu okudingeka ukwazi. Thola Umbiko Womlando Wemoto Izinto zokuqala kuqala, ngaphambi kokunquma ngemoto yakho kufanele uthole umbiko womlando wemoto,. Le dokhumenti…

Ukuthenga Imoto 'Entsha Kuwe': Amathiphu Okuthenga Izimoto Ezisetshenzisiwe Funda kabanzi "

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