Izingxenye Zemoto Nezesekeli

kanjani-ukukhetha-okungcono kakhulu-izingidi-isithuthuthu-gu

Ungazikhetha Kanjani Izikhiye Zezithuthuthu Ezingcono Kakhulu ngo-2025: Umhlahlandlela Wochwepheshe Wokuphepha Nokukhethwa

Zitholele okhiye bezithuthuthu abaphambili bango-2025, okuhlanganisa namathiphu ochwepheshe ekukhetheni uhlobo olufanele, ukuqonda amathrendi emakethe, nokuhlola amamodeli ahamba phambili. Qinisekisa ukuphepha kwebhayisikili lakho ngobuchwepheshe bakamuva bokukhiya.

Ungazikhetha Kanjani Izikhiye Zezithuthuthu Ezingcono Kakhulu ngo-2025: Umhlahlandlela Wochwepheshe Wokuphepha Nokukhethwa Funda kabanzi "

ukuthi-ungakhetha kanjani-izinhlobo-ezingcono kakhulu-zezithuthuthu-izinhlobo-

Ungakukhetha Kanjani Okuhle Kakhulu Kwezithuthuthu Ngo-2025: Izinhlobo, Imibono Yemakethe, namamodeli Aphezulu

Hlola izinhlobo ezibalulekile zemibukiso yezithuthuthu, amathrendi emakethe, amamodeli aphezulu, nezeluleko zochwepheshe zika-2025. Zitholele ukuthi ungakhetha kanjani ama-fairings angcono kakhulu ukuze uthuthukise kokubili isitayela nokusebenza.

Ungakukhetha Kanjani Okuhle Kakhulu Kwezithuthuthu Ngo-2025: Izinhlobo, Imibono Yemakethe, namamodeli Aphezulu Funda kabanzi "

Ilogo ye-BMW yomumo wombuthano

I-BMW Group Inika amandla i-Automated Driving In-Plant yezimoto ezintsha

The BMW Group is systematically advancing the digitalisation and automation of its production processes within the BMW iFACTORY framework. Since 2022, the company has been testing Automated Driving In-Plant (AFW) for new vehicles at its largest European plant in Dingolfing. Following successful CE certification, the pilot project is now transitioning…

I-BMW Group Inika amandla i-Automated Driving In-Plant yezimoto ezintsha Funda kabanzi "


I-Volkswagen Group kanye ne-SAIC Motor Extend Joint Venture Agreement Kuze kube ngu-2040; Gxila Ekusheshiseni Isu Lokufaka Ugesi

The Volkswagen Group is strengthening its successful 40-year partnership with SAIC Motor for the long term. In Shanghai, both companies signed an extension of their joint venture agreement until the year 2040. The original joint venture agreement was valid until 2030. By extending the agreement, the partners are creating early…

I-Volkswagen Group kanye ne-SAIC Motor Extend Joint Venture Agreement Kuze kube ngu-2040; Gxila Ekusheshiseni Isu Lokufaka Ugesi Funda kabanzi "

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