Ikhaya » Iloli


I-Daimler central factory stuttgart germany

I-Daimler Truck kanye ne-Kawasaki Heavy Industries To Study optimization of Liquid Hydrogen Supply Chains

I-Kawasaki Heavy Industries kanye ne-Daimler Truck basayine I-Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ukuze batadishe ukusungulwa nokwenziwa kahle kokuhlinzekwa kwe-hydrogen enguketshezi. Ukubambisana kumelela inqubekelaphambili emizamweni eqhubekayo yokwandisa ukusetshenziswa kwe-hydrogen enguketshezi, isb ekuthuthweni kwempahla emgwaqeni. I-mutual initiative ihlanganisa ucwaningo…

I-Daimler Truck kanye ne-Kawasaki Heavy Industries To Study optimization of Liquid Hydrogen Supply Chains Funda kabanzi "


I-Volvo Izokwethula Amaloli Anezinjini Zokuvutha Ezifuswe Nge-Hydrogen; I-Westport HPDI

Volvo Trucks is developing trucks with combustion engines that run on hydrogen. On-road tests with trucks using hydrogen in combustion engines will begin in 2026, and the commercial launch is planned towards the end of this decade. Volvo trucks with hydrogen-powered combustion engines will feature High Pressure Direct Injection (HPDI),…

I-Volvo Izokwethula Amaloli Anezinjini Zokuvutha Ezifuswe Nge-Hydrogen; I-Westport HPDI Funda kabanzi "


I-Hyundai Motor kanye ne-Plus Partner bazokhombisa iloli likagesi le-Autonomous Fuel Cell Electric Level 4 e-US

Hyundai Motor and autonomous driving software company Plus unveiled the first Level 4 autonomous Class 8 hydrogen fuel cell electric truck in the US at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo. A result of the collaboration between Hyundai Motor and Plus, Hyundai Motor’s XCIENT Fuel Cell truck, equipped with Plus…

I-Hyundai Motor kanye ne-Plus Partner bazokhombisa iloli likagesi le-Autonomous Fuel Cell Electric Level 4 e-US Funda kabanzi "

Indawo yombukiso ye-Honda dealership

I-Honda izokwethula i-Debut Class 8 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Concept ku-ACT Expo 2024

Honda will debut a Class 8 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Concept at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo on 20 May, showcasing the start of a new demonstration project aimed at future production of fuel cell powered products for the North American market. Honda is seeking new business collaborations as…

I-Honda izokwethula i-Debut Class 8 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Concept ku-ACT Expo 2024 Funda kabanzi "

IHyundai Motors

Hyundai Motor Marks Official Launch of NorCAL ZERO Project for Zero-Emission Freight Transportation

Hyundai Motor Company marked the official launch of NorCAL ZERO Project—an initiative that is utilizing the company’s hydrogen fuel cell technology to bring zero-emission freight transportation to the San Francisco Bay Area and California’s Central Valley. The dedication event held at Oakland’s FirstElement Fuel Hydrogen Refueling Station brought Hyundai Motor…

Hyundai Motor Marks Official Launch of NorCAL ZERO Project for Zero-Emission Freight Transportation Funda kabanzi "

Colorful Freightliner Semi Tractor Trailer Trucks

I-Daimler Truck Yembula I-Battery Electric Autonomous Freightliner eCascadia Technology Demonstrator

Daimler Truck unveiled the battery-electric autonomous Freightliner eCascadia technology demonstrator. The truck is based on a production battery-electric Freightliner eCascadia and is equipped with Torc’s autonomous driving software and the latest Level 4 sensor and compute technology. Torc Robotics is Daimler Truck’s independent subsidiary for autonomous virtual driver technology. While…

I-Daimler Truck Yembula I-Battery Electric Autonomous Freightliner eCascadia Technology Demonstrator Funda kabanzi "

Inkampani engu-Porsche AG

Porsche Is Increasingly Focusing on Alternative Drives in Its Transport Logistics

Porsche is pushing ahead with the roll-out of alternative drives in its transport logistics fleet. Together with its logistics partners, the sports car manufacturer is using six new electric HGVs (heavy good vehicle) at its Zuffenhausen, Weissach and Leipzig sites. These vehicles transport production materials around the plants, working alongside…

Porsche Is Increasingly Focusing on Alternative Drives in Its Transport Logistics Funda kabanzi "

Electric Volvo trucks on display

I-Volvo Ithola I-oda Yamaloli Kagesi Engeziwe Eyi-100 Avela kwa-DFDS

2024-03-18 Volvo Trucks has received an order for 100 electric trucks from logistics company DFDS. With this latest order, DFDS has almost doubled its Volvo electric truck fleet to 225 trucks in total—the largest company fleet of heavy electric trucks in Europe. DFDS, one of the largest shipping and logistics companies…

I-Volvo Ithola I-oda Yamaloli Kagesi Engeziwe Eyi-100 Avela kwa-DFDS Funda kabanzi "


Amaloli akwaVolvo Wembula IVolvo VNL Entsha Yonke eNyakatho Melika; Ukusebenza Kakuhle Kwezibaseli Kuthuthuke kufika ku-10%

IVolvo Trucks yethule iVolvo VNL entsha ngokuphelele eNyakatho Melika. I-aerodynamics ethuthukisiwe kanye nobuchwepheshe obusha buthuthukise ukusebenza kahle kukaphethiloli kufika ku-10%. I-Volvo VNL entsha isekelwe kwiplathifomu entsha yabo bonke ubuchwepheshe obuzayo, okuhlanganisa ugesi webhethri, i-fuel cell kanye nezinjini ezivuthayo zangaphakathi ezisebenza ngokuvuselelwa kabusha ...

Amaloli akwaVolvo Wembula IVolvo VNL Entsha Yonke eNyakatho Melika; Ukusebenza Kakuhle Kwezibaseli Kuthuthuke kufika ku-10% Funda kabanzi "


Isevisi Yeposi Yase-US Yembula Iziteshi Zokushaja Imoto Kagesi Eyokuqala Nezimoto Ezidiliva Kagesi

I-United States Postal Service (USPS) yethule isethi yayo yokuqala yeziteshi zokushaja izimoto zikagesi (EV) esikhungweni sayo esiseNingizimu ye-Atlanta Sorting and Delivery Centre (S&DC). Iziteshi zokushaja ezifana nalezi zizofakwa kumakhulukhulu ama-S&DC amasha ezweni lonke unyaka wonke futhi zizonika amandla lokho okuzoba…

Isevisi Yeposi Yase-US Yembula Iziteshi Zokushaja Imoto Kagesi Eyokuqala Nezimoto Ezidiliva Kagesi Funda kabanzi "

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