Izithuthuthu Izingxenye & Izesekeli

Umbukiso esitolo se-air compressor entsha

I-Honda Yembula Injini Ye-V3 Nge-Compressor Kagesi

Honda unveiled the first V3 motorcycle engine with an electrical compressor. The water-cooled 75-degree V3 engine is being newly developed for larger displacement motorcycles, and has been designed to be extremely slim and compact. V3 engine with electrical compressor It features the world’s first electrical compressor for motorcycles, which is…

I-Honda Yembula Injini Ye-V3 Nge-Compressor Kagesi Funda kabanzi "

Izithuthuthu zikagesi

I-Honda ne-Yamaha Zifinyelela Isivumelwano Ngokuhlinzekwa kwe-OEM kwamamodeli ezithuthuthu zikagesi esigabeni soku-1

Honda Motor and Yamaha Motor reached an agreement for Honda to supply Yamaha with electric motorcycle models for the Japanese market, based on the Honda “EM1 e:” and “BENLY e: I” Class-1 category models, as an OEM (original equipment manufacturer). The two companies will proceed with further discussion toward the…

I-Honda ne-Yamaha Zifinyelela Isivumelwano Ngokuhlinzekwa kwe-OEM kwamamodeli ezithuthuthu zikagesi esigabeni soku-1 Funda kabanzi "

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