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Izinsizakusebenza zikagesi


Solar Energy Production Decreased in All Major European Markets in Third Week of October

In the third week of October, European electricity market prices were stable, with an upward trend in most cases compared to the previous week. However, in the MIBEL market, prices fell due to high wind energy production, which reached an all time record in Portugal and the highest value so far in 2023 in Spain.

Solar Energy Production Decreased in All Major European Markets in Third Week of October Funda kabanzi "


German Companies Unite To Bring Virtual Power Plants To Mid-Sized Businesses

Germany’s Electrofleet has invested in its virtual power plant technology partner Dieenergiekoppler. The two collaborate to enable mid-sized businesses to use self-produced renewable energy based on fixed price contracts. Dieenergiekoppler’s latest financing round solidified the collaboration.

German Companies Unite To Bring Virtual Power Plants To Mid-Sized Businesses Funda kabanzi "

ukunika amandla-ushintsho-amandla-okusha-iea-pvps-tas

Ukunika Amandla Uguquko Lwamandla: Umsebenzi 19 we-IEA-PVPS XNUMX Ubeka Isiteji Sokubambisana KweGridi Ye-Global PV

I-IEA-PVPS Task 19 entsha, elandela u-Task 14, ihlose ukugqugquzela ukuhlanganiswa kwegridi ye-PV esimeme futhi imema ochwepheshe abavela emazweni ahlukahlukene, imikhakha, nezinhlangano ukuthi bajoyine amaphrojekthi ayo afuna ukuvelela, ngenhloso yokulungisa kabusha ikusasa lamanethiwekhi kagesi nokubeka i-PV njengamandla abusayo phakathi kwezinhlelo zamandla eziguqukayo.

Ukunika Amandla Uguquko Lwamandla: Umsebenzi 19 we-IEA-PVPS XNUMX Ubeka Isiteji Sokubambisana KweGridi Ye-Global PV Funda kabanzi "

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