Pre-pulling is the move of an imported container away from the port before the end of free days in order to avoid demurrage and storage charges. The movement is directed to an off-port interim storage space through trucking. The cargo would be temporarily stored until its delivery. Pre-pulling is strategically used to reduce the cost of port fees.
Donsa ngaphambilini
Mayelana Umlobi
Ithimba iyinkundla ehamba phambili yokuhwebelana emhlabeni wonke esebenzela izigidi zabathengi nabaphakeli emhlabeni jikelele., amabhizinisi amancane angathengisa imikhiqizo yawo ezinkampanini zakwamanye amazwe. Abathengisi ngokuvamile bangabakhiqizi nabasabalalisi abazinze e-China nakwamanye amazwe akhiqizayo njenge-India, Pakistan, United States kanye ne-Thailand.