Pallet dimensions are not standardized globally. Hundreds of different pallet sizes exist around the world despite having a few more frequently applied dimensions. In North America, the pallet dimension is standardized by The Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA), therefore it is also known as the GMA pallet and comes with a standard size of 48″x 40″.
I-Pallet Ubukhulu
Mayelana Umlobi
Ithimba iyinkundla ehamba phambili yokuhwebelana emhlabeni wonke esebenzela izigidi zabathengi nabaphakeli emhlabeni jikelele., amabhizinisi amancane angathengisa imikhiqizo yawo ezinkampanini zakwamanye amazwe. Abathengisi ngokuvamile bangabakhiqizi nabasabalalisi abazinze e-China nakwamanye amazwe akhiqizayo njenge-India, Pakistan, United States kanye ne-Thailand.