Live Unload refers to when the truck driver waits for a container to be offloaded at a delivery destination. The driver would reach the specified warehouse and the unloading process would proceed immediately after the arrival. The driver would typically wait and watch the process free of charge for a period of specified time. If the freight is palletized and the transfer is quick, the live unload may not incur a wait fee.
Mayelana Umlobi
Ithimba iyinkundla ehamba phambili yokuhwebelana emhlabeni wonke esebenzela izigidi zabathengi nabaphakeli emhlabeni jikelele., amabhizinisi amancane angathengisa imikhiqizo yawo ezinkampanini zakwamanye amazwe. Abathengisi ngokuvamile bangabakhiqizi nabasabalalisi abazinze e-China nakwamanye amazwe akhiqizayo njenge-India, Pakistan, United States kanye ne-Thailand.