Ikhaya » Izindaba zakamuva » Izimboni Ezikhula Ngokushesha Emhlabeni Wonke Ngokukhula Kwemali Engenayo (%) ngo-2022
global-industry-thrends-ekhula ngokushesha-izimboni

Izimboni Ezikhula Ngokushesha Emhlabeni Wonke Ngokukhula Kwemali Engenayo (%) ngo-2022

Ukusebenza kwe-Global Airport
Amahhotela Omhlaba Wonke Nezindawo Zokungcebeleka
Izinsiza ze-Global Travel Agency
Global Tourism
I-Global Airlines
Amakhasino Omhlaba & Ukugembula Ku-inthanethi
Ukwenziwa Kwezindiza Zokuhweba Zomhlaba Wonke
Global Semiconductor & Electronic Parts Manufacturing
Global Deep-Sea, Coastal & Inland Water Transportation
Global Cheese Manufacturing

1. Ukusebenza kwe-Global Airport

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 47.2%

The Global Airport Operation industry has experienced complex operating conditions over the five years to 2021. Rising levels of airline passenger traffic through much of the period enabled airports to earn significant revenue through passenger charges and services provided directly to airlines. At the same time, improving economic conditions increased corporate profit and fueled global manufacturing activity, causing airlines to operate more flights to transport greater quantities of cargo. However, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic completely disrupted the industry over 2020, causing revenue losses of more than 50.0% in that year alone.

2. Amahhotela Omhlaba Wonke Nezindawo Zokungcebeleka

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 40.6%

Phakathi neminyaka emihlanu kuya ku-2021, imboni ye-Global Hotels and Resorts kulindeleke ukuthi ibe nokwehla kwemali engenayo. Ekuqaleni, ukukhula okuqinile phakathi kuka-2016 no-2019 kwenzeka njengoba kokubili abathengi namabhizinisi beba nokuzethemba okwengeziwe ngezimali zabo futhi bechitha ngokukhululekile ezintweni eziwubukhazikhazi, okuhlanganisa nokuhamba. Lokhu kufinyelele umvuthwandaba ngokunyuka okukhulu kukho kokubili amanani ohambo namanani ekamelo lehhotela namanani okuhlala, izinkomba ezimbili zokusebenza kwehhotela. Ukufika kwezivakashi emhlabeni jikelele nakho kukhuphuka kancane phakathi kuka-2016 no-2019 kwaze kwaba kwehla kakhulu ngo-2020 ngenxa yokusabalala kwe-COVID-19 (coronavirus) emhlabeni.

3. Izinsiza ze-Global Travel Agency

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 40.4%

The Global Travel Agency Services industry has experienced revenue decline over the five years to 2021, all while the industry’s core services dramatically changed due to consumers using online channels to research and book travel. Online booking agents now play a much larger role within the industry, alongside traditional brick-and-mortar travel agencies. International tourism grew strongly prior to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, which is expected to severely cut into revenue over 2020, followed by a rebound of 35.1% in 2021 as the economy returns to normal.

4. Global Tourism

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 27.4%

Imboni Yezokuvakasha Emhlabeni Wonke kulindeleke ukuthi yehle ngo-4.3% ngonyaka ukuya ku-$1.3 trillion eminyakeni emihlanu kuya ku-2021. Ngaphezu kwalokho, amazwe ase-Asia naseNingizimu Melika athole ukukhula okuqinile kwemali engenayo yomuntu ngamunye, okwenze abathengi bakulezi zifunda bathathe uhambo lwaphesheya kwezilwandle ngamanani akhulayo. Kodwa-ke, ngenxa yobhubhane lwe-COVID-19 (coronavirus), imali engenayo yezimboni kulindeleke ukuthi yehle cishe ngama-50.0% ngo-2020.

5. I-Global Airlines

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 25.4%

Naphezu kokukhuphuka kwamazinga okuthutha abagibeli bezindiza kanye nempahla phakathi nesikhathi esiningi, imali engenayo embonini ye-Global Airlines yehlile phakathi neminyaka emihlanu kuya ku-2022 njengoba amanani entengo kaphethiloli aguquguqukayo kanye nokuncintisana okukhulayo, kanye nobhubhane lwe-COVID-19 (coronavirus), kubeke ingcindezi ephansi emananini amathikithi endiza kanye namazinga okuthumela impahla. Ngasikhathi sinye, ukukhula kwakamuva kwemali engenayo emhlabeni wonke, ngaphezu kwezinye izinkomba eziqinile zomnotho omkhulu, kubhebhethekise isidingo sokuhamba kwabagibeli bezindiza ngaphambi kwalolu bhubhane.

6. Amakhasino Omhlaba & Ukugembula Ku-inthanethi

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 14.9%

Over the five years to 2022, the Global Casinos and Online Gambling industry shifted from the United States, specifically Las Vegas and Atlantic City, to China, more specifically, Macau. A wave of recent casino openings in Macau has propelled this shift. As of 2022, there are 36 casinos located on the island. Additionally, two mega casino developments in Singapore already rival casinos in Las Vegas, and Japan recently legalized casinos, raising the potential for billions of dollars in new investment. However, some Asian governments, such as that of China, limit domestic access to casinos.

7. Ukwenziwa Kwezindiza Zokuhweba Zomhlaba Wonke

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 14.6%

Imboni Yokukhiqiza Izindiza Zezohwebo Yomhlaba Wonke ihileleke ekwenziweni, ekwakheni kabusha nasekugcineni izindiza ezinophephela emhlane, izindiza ezinophephela emhlane, izinjini zezindiza nezingxenye ezihlukahlukene zezindiza kanye nezinhlelo ezingaphansi zemakethe yezohwebo. Kule minyaka emihlanu kuya ku-2022, imali engenayo yezimboni kulindeleke ukuthi yehle ngenani laminyaka yonke lika-3.1% laya ku-$298.3 billion. Ukuqubuka kwe-COVID-19 (i-coronavirus) kuholele ekwehliseni ukuthengiswa ngenxa yesidingo esiphansi esivela ezimakethe ezisezansi nezindaba ze-supply chain. Imboni iphinde yasimama kancane ngo-2021 ngenxa yentuthuko emnothweni womhlaba kanye nemizamo yomhlaba wonke yokunqanda ukubhebhetheka kwalesi sifo.

8. Global Semiconductor & Electronic Parts Manufacturing

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 14.0%

In the Global Semiconductor and Electronic Parts Manufacturing industry, demand for downstream consumer electronics, automobiles, computers and industrial machinery has risen, as global per capita income and internet connectivity have increased over the five years to 2022 and have driven downstream demand. However, fluctuating product and input prices have led to oscillations in industry revenue, resulting in revenue declining before the current period, only to recover in 2017 and 2018 as memory prices soared before sharply falling again in 2019. In 2020, while the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic led to widespread global economic damage, industry revenue grew.

9. Global Deep-Sea, Coastal & Inland Water Transportation

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 12.1%

The Global Deep-Sea, Coastal and Inland Water Transportation industry, which transports cargo and passengers across the world’s waterways, has experienced strong growth over the five years to 2022. Rising global per capita income and increased production activity among the world’s most developed economies have increased demand for industry services. Following the initial drop in industry experienced in 2020 due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic-related disruptions to trade, the industry experienced a boom in demand for shipping services and historically high shipping rates in 2021 as global economic recovery got underway.

10. Global Cheese Manufacturing

2022-2023 Ukukhula Kwemali Engenayo: 9.0%

The value of the Global Cheese Manufacturing industry has grown over the five years to 2022, primarily as a result of stable demand for dairy products, improved per capita consumption of cheese worldwide and continued product innovation. Overall, IBISWorld estimates that industry revenue has increased an annualized 0.7% to $133.2 billion over the five years to 2022, increasing 5.0% in 2022 alone. While the industry experienced volatility over the past five years, it managed to remain fairly resilient amid COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic disruptions during the latter half of the period.

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