Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amandla avuselelekayo » I-PV Additions Entsha YaseJalimane Ifinyelele ku-1.25 GW ngoJanuwari
Solar panel installation on industrial and residential roofs

I-PV Additions Entsha YaseJalimane Ifinyelele ku-1.25 GW ngoJanuwari

Germany installed 1.25 GW of solar in January, bringing the nation’s cumulative PV capacity to 82.19 GW by the end of the month, with more than 3.7 million projects in total.


Germany’s Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has reported that 1,249.7 MW of new PV capacity was installed in January, from 780 MW of solar in January 2023 and about 1,017.3 MW in December 2023.

The nation’s cumulative solar capacity hit 82.19 GW at the end of January 2024, with a total of more than 3.7 million projects.

The rooftop segment accounted for most of the solar deployed in January, with around 816.5 MW of new capacity.

The Bundesnetzagentur also revealed that utility-scale solar plants selected through the country’s PV tender scheme accounted for around 208.9 MW of the capacity installed for the month. Large-scale solar plants operating under power purchase agreements (PPAs) accounted for another 106.2 MW of the monthly total.

Germany’s new PV additions reached 14.28 GW in 2023,  7.19 GW in 2022, 5.26 GW in 2021, 3.94 GW in 2019, 2.96 GW in 2018, and 1.75 GW in 2017.

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