Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amandla avuselelekayo » Juni 2023 Enye Inyanga ye-GW Solar yaseJalimane; Izwe Elikuthrekhi Yamandla Onyaka angu-12 GW
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Juni 2023 Enye Inyanga ye-GW Solar yaseJalimane; Izwe Elikuthrekhi Yamandla Onyaka angu-12 GW

  • Germany installed 1.047 GW new solar PV capacity in June 2023, according to Bundesnetzagentur
  • With Bavaria adding more than 1.6 GW, Germany’s H1/2023 capacity has grown to exceed 6.26 GW
  • At the end of June 2023, Germany’s cumulative installed solar PV capacity grew to over 73.81 GW

Germany continued its monthlyGW scale solar PV installation streak with the addition of 1.047 GW in June 2023, according to Bundesnetzagentur. The German network regulator counts the country’s total installed PV capacity in the first half of this year to have grown to 6.26 GW. If this growth level is maintained, the country could end up with around 12 GW annual capacity this year, which would be significantly higher than the 9 GW targeted for 2023 by Germany’s government.

Even though the June additions dropped slightly from 1.15 GW installed in May 2023 after revision and are still far-off the 1.569 GW monthly average required to reach the 2030 target, the market managed to maintain its GW level for the 4th month in a row.

Maximum growth was reported in Bavaria with 1.608 GW during H1/2023, followed by the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia that installed 971.3 MW and southern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg with 832.7 MW. Bavaria also leads total installations with 20.24 GW out of 73.81 GW cumulative capacity of Germany at the end of June 2023.

Solar also registered the largest growth by far in H1 among all the other power technologies – onshore wind contributed 1.33 GW, offshore wind 228.6 MW and biomass 22.6 MW.

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