Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amandla avuselelekayo » Isisebenzisi seGridi YaseJalimane Silindele Ikhono Elisha Lelanga Lango-2023 Ukuze Lifinyelele ku-14.1 GW

Isisebenzisi seGridi YaseJalimane Silindele Ikhono Elisha Lelanga Lango-2023 Ukuze Lifinyelele ku-14.1 GW

I-Federal Network Agency yaseJalimane (i-Bundesnetzagentur) ithi abathuthukisi kungenzeka bafake u-14.1 GW wamandla elanga amasha ngo-2023, namamojula elanga e-balcony angaphezu kuka-260,000 asebenzayo manje.

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“We have taken a big step forward, especially when it comes to PV, for which capacity has almost doubled compared to the previous year,” said Klaus Müller, president of the Bundesnetzagentur.

The Bundesnetzagentur said that it expects 14.1 GW of newly installed PV capacity for 2023, primarily from rooftop systems. It noted that the state of Bavaria likely contributed 3.5 GW of the total.

Cumulative PV capacity in Germany is expected to reach approximately 81.7 GW by December.

The agency reports a threefold increase in balcony solar systems, totaling 260,000 in 2023, accounting for 1.5% of new PV capacity additions.

Solar accounts for nearly half of Germany’s installed renewable energy output, at 17 GW, while net wind capacity reached 2.9 GW in 2023, surpassing the previous year’s figures, said the Bundesnetzagentur.

“When it comes to onshore wind, we are not yet where we want to be. What makes me optimistic is that significantly more permits will be issued in 2023,” said Müller. “This will pay off in increasing numbers of new buildings.”

A 300 MW offshore wind power plant started operations in the Baltic Sea in 2023. The North Sea and Baltic Sea now host 8.5 GW of cumulative renewables capacity. Biomass plant expansion doubled to 120 MW in 2023, bringing the total operational capacity of such systems to approximately 9 GW, said the Bundesnetzagentur.

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