Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Izingxenye Zemoto Nezesekeli » I-FreeWire Yethula Uhlelo Lokusheshisa Lwamashaja Asheshayo; I-Chevron Phakathi Kwamakhasimende Okuqala
Ukushajwa kabusha kwemoto kagesi evela esiteshini sokushaja se-EV kubonisa ihologram yebhethri yedijithali ehlakaniphile

I-FreeWire Yethula Uhlelo Lokusheshisa Lwamashaja Asheshayo; I-Chevron Phakathi Kwamakhasimende Okuqala

FreeWire Technologies, a provider of battery-integrated electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and energy management solutions, introduced its Accelerate Program, which allows businesses to offer and collect payments from ultrafast EV charging amenities at their site, while FreeWire owns and operates the equipment. Chevron is among the first to participate in FreeWire’s Accelerate Program.

Accelerate Program

FreeWire now offers a range of flexible deployment options for customers seeking to host ultrafast charging, from complete ownership to participation in the Accelerate Program, tailored to meet each site’s unique requirements and accelerate the installation of charging infrastructure.

By the year 2030, projections suggest that the United States will experience a surge in EV adoption, with more than 26 million EVs on American roads. This growth will require a substantial expansion of public fast-charging infrastructure. The Accelerate Program expects to increase EV charging infrastructure deployment by offering a zero-risk option for charging hosts.

FreeWire fully manages the upfront installation, site design, and permitting process along with ongoing maintenance and electricity costs. Participating businesses receive a revenue share from charging sessions and are protected by a guaranteed minimum payment leasing parking spots, turning lot space into a revenue stream and customer amenity.

FreeWire’s previous deployment model allowed businesses to purchase the charger and retain charging revenue. While FreeWire’s solution is typically faster and less costly to deploy than traditional solutions, the addition of the Accelerate Program gives businesses the chance to deploy fast charging with zero financial burden, benefit in the upside if the site is successful, and an option to buy the chargers in later years.

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