Izintengo ezintsha ze-feed-in (FITs) zase-France zesikhathi esisuka ku-August 2023 kuya ku-January 2024 zisuka ku-€0.2077 ($0.2270)/kWh zokufakwa ngaphansi kuka-3 kW ziye ku-€0.1208/kWh zohlelo olusukela ku-100 kW kuya ku-500 kW.

France’s energy regulator, the Commission de Régulation de l’Énergie (CRE), has released FITs for rooftop PV installations up to 500 kW in size for the period from August 2023 to January 2024.
The new tariffs range from €0.2077/kWh for installations below 3 kW in size to €0.1208/kWh for arrays ranging in size from 100 kW to 500 kW.
In the May-July period, the FITs ranged from €0.2395/kWh for installations below 3 kW in size to €0.1268/kWh for arrays ranging in capacity from 100 kW to 500 kW.
The CRE also set tariffs for surplus power at €0.1339/kWh to €0.o780/kWh, depending on system size.
The French government raised the size limit for PV projects that can qualify for fixed tariffs from 100 kW to 500 kW in October 2022. In order to expand development in the rooftop PV segment, the government has also decided to reduce the degression rates planned for the FITs.

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