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Electrify America kanye ne-NFI Open Heavy-Duty Charging Infrastructure Project

Electrify America and NFI , a leading North American third-party logistics provider, announced the grand opening of NFI’s state-of-the-art DC fast charging facility in Ontario, CA. Supporting NFI’s fleet of 50 heavy-duty electric trucks, the project advances the electrification of drayage operations between the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The new charging facility will feature roughly 7MW of charging capacity shared across a total of 38 chargers, capable of speeds up to 350 kW for capable trucks.

Small-1147-Electrify Americaand NFI Celebrate Grand Opening of Milestone Heavy-Duty Charging Infrastructure Project

When fully completed later this year, the depot will be coupled with nearly 4MW (nearly 8MWh) of onsite battery energy storage and approximately 1MW of solar power, helping to promote vehicle-grid integration and reduce stress on the grid by shifting energy usage to off-peak times.

The charging depot will also feature microgrid functionality, allowing for charging resiliency for fleet operations even when utility power is otherwise unavailable. The capability of the cumulative charging, energy storage, and solar power capacity at the charging depot exceeds the reported peak load of the Empire State Building at roughly 10MW.

The grand opening of the NFI facility complements Electrify America’s second Green City investment to advance charging electrification for public transit and heavy-duty electric vehicles in the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, among other areas of the Wilmington neighborhood in the City of Los Angeles.

In addition to NFI and Electrify America’s investments, the project is funded by the Joint Electric Truck Scaling Initiative (JETSI) between the California Air Resources Board, California Energy Commission, Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee, Port of Long Beach, Southern California Edison, and South Coast Air Quality Management District.

JETSI is an initiative that will deploy 100 Class 8 battery-electric trucks across Southern California to demonstrate strategies to scale market penetration of zero-emission technologies successfully. JETSI is the first battery-electric truck project jointly funded by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and California Energy Commission (CEC), which together awarded the project $27 million.

Additional funding was provided by South Coast Air Quality Management District, Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC), Port of Long Beach, and Southern California Edison.

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