On March 1, 2024, ECHA released two substances proposed to be added into the SVHC Candidate List for public consultations. Comments are welcomed before April 15, 2024.

Detailed information on the 2 substances:
Igama | Inombolo ye-EC | Inombolo ye-CAS | Proposing authority | Reason for proposing | Usetshenziswa |
Bis(α,α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide | 201-279-3 | 80-43-3 | Norway | Ubuthi bokukhiqiza kabusha (I-athikili 57c) | Used in the manufacture of plastic products, chemicals and rubber products |
Triphenyl phosphate | 204-112-2 | 115-86-6 | France | Endocrine disrupting properties (Article 57(f) – environment) | Used as a flame retardant and plasticizer in polymers, as well as in adhesives and sealants, cosmetics and personal care products. |
Isikhumbuzi Esifudumele
ECHA regularly updates the SVHC Candidate list twice a year. So far, the total number of substances on the SVHC list (also known as the Candidate List) has reached 240. For products exported to the European Union that contain SVHC substances exceeding 0.1%, companies are obligated to fulfill information transmission and SCIP reporting requirements. If the export volume of SVHC substances exceeding 0.1% exceeds 1 ton per year, SVHC notification must also be conducted.
Izibopho Nezibopho Zenkampani
Izinkampani zidinga ukuqaphela izibopho zazo kanye nezibopho maqondana nezinto ze-SVHC emikhiqizweni yazo:
- Uma okuqukethwe kwe-SVHC ku-athikili kudlula u-0.1%, abahlinzeki bayo kufanele banikeze umamukeli we-athikili ngolwazi ngokusetshenziswa kwayo ngokuphephile;
- Lapho umthengi ucela, ulwazi olwanele, okuhlanganisa amagama ezinto ezisetshenziswayo kanye nokugxilwa kwazo, kufanele kuhlinzekwe mahhala zingakapheli izinsuku ezingama-45;
- Uma umthamo wokuthekelisa udlula ithani elingu-1 ngonyaka, abangenisa impahla ngaphandle nabakhiqizi be-athikili kudingeka bagcwalise isaziso esiya ku-ECHA zingakapheli izinyanga eziyi-6 kusukela ngedethi yokweqa umkhawulo;
- Kusukela mhla zi-5 kuMasingana 2021, izinto ezisohlwini lwe-SVHC ezitholakala ezihlokweni ezigxile ngaphezu kuka-0.1% zidinga ukuthunyelwa kusizindalwazi se-ECHA's SCIP; futhi
- Izinto ezisohlwini lwe-SVHC zingase zifakwe ohlwini Lokugunyazwa ngokuzayo, okudinga izinkampani ukuthi zifake isicelo sokugunyazwa ukuze ziqhubeke nokuzisebenzisa.
Uma udinga noma yiluphi usizo noma unemibuzo, sicela uxhumane nathi nge-service@cirs-group.com.
Umthombo ovela CIRS
Ukuzihlangula: Ulwazi olubekwe ngenhla luhlinzekwa yi-cirs-group.com ngaphandle kwe-Cooig.com. I-Cooig.com ayenzi izethulo namawaranti mayelana nekhwalithi nokuthembeka komdayisi nemikhiqizo.