Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amandla avuselelekayo » I-Chinese PV Industry Brief: I-Astronergy Ivikela i-oda lemojula yelanga engu-1 GW
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I-Chinese PV Industry Brief: I-Astronergy Ivikela i-oda lemojula yelanga engu-1 GW

Astronergy has announced a 1 GW solar module deal with China National Petroleum Corp. The order is for its ASTRO N-Series modules, which feature its tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon) 4.0 cell technology.

astronergy PR for zbb

Izinkanyezi has secured a significant portion of China National Petroleum Corp.’s centralized purchasing order for N-type PV modules for 2024, winning a 15% share, equivalent to 1,050 MW. The order is for its ASTRO N-Series modules, featuring the company’s TOPCon 4.0 cell technology.

Golden Solar New Energy Technology has announced its preliminary results for 2023, with revenue growth of CNY 295.4 million ($40.8 million), up 7.7% from CNY 274.3 million in the preceding year. It attributed this to the growth of its PV products business and its original equipment manufacturing operations. Its PV business grew by 12.9% to approximately CNY 79.8 million, up from CNY 70.7 million in 2022, driven by sales of heterojunction solar modules sold to European customers. However, the company said it expects a net loss of about CNY 326.4 million, which it partly attributed to an increase in R&D costs for solar products, such as heterojunction back contact (HBC) cells and flexible modules.

UDaqo New Energy said that its Xinjiang Daqo New Energy subsidiary expects a profit of CNY 5.76 billion for the year to Dec. 31, 2023. It said that it will allocate CNY 893 million to its parent pending board approval, which is expected in mid-April.

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