Izingxenye Zemoto Nezesekeli

Ukuthola imininingwane kanye nezitayela zemakethe zemboni yezingxenye zezimoto nezinsiza.

Izimoto ezisembukisweni we-BMW

I-BMW Igcwalisa Wonke Amamodeli Kadizili Akhiqizwe EJalimane Ngodizili Ovuselelekayo Ovela Kwa-Neste

I-BMW Group iguqula ukugcwaliswa kokuqala kwazo zonke izinhlobo zikadizili ezikhiqizwe eJalimane kube i-HVO 100. I-Neste MY Renewable Diesel inguphethiloli we-HVO 100 osetshenziswa ezimbonini zakwaBMW Group, Munich, Dingolfing, Regensburg kanye neLeipzig, ekhiqiza minyaka yonke ngaphezu kuka-50% wemoto ye-BMW Group's Diesel-powered. Amafutha asuka…

I-BMW Igcwalisa Wonke Amamodeli Kadizili Akhiqizwe EJalimane Ngodizili Ovuselelekayo Ovela Kwa-Neste Funda kabanzi "

Hyundai Motor Company Dealership

Hyundai Motor Group Partners With Indian Institutes of Technology to Advance Battery and Electrification Research

Hyundai Motor Group is partnering with the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) to establish a collaborative research system in the fields of batteries and electrification. The three institutes include IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay and IIT Madras. The Hyundai Center of Excellence (CoE), which will be set up within IIT Delhi,…

Hyundai Motor Group Partners With Indian Institutes of Technology to Advance Battery and Electrification Research Funda kabanzi "

A Mercedes-Benz logo sign on the building

500 Mercedes-Benz Actros for Finéjas Group; Isiphetho Senye Yemiyalo Emikhulu Yamaloli akwaMercedes-Benz ngo-2024

At the end of 2024, the last of a total of 500 new Mercedes-Benz Actros trucks were handed over to the Finéjas Group at a ceremony in Wörth. The Mercedes-Benz Actros 1845 LS 4×2 trucks ordered are equipped with the latest generation of the OM 471 diesel engine with 330…

500 Mercedes-Benz Actros for Finéjas Group; Isiphetho Senye Yemiyalo Emikhulu Yamaloli akwaMercedes-Benz ngo-2024 Funda kabanzi "

amabhethri kagesi

Monash Commercializing Rapid-Charge Lithium-Sulfur Battery Technology

Monash University (Australia) engineers have developed an ultra-fast charging lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery, capable of powering long-haul EVs and commercial drones. With rapid charging times, the lightweight Li-S batteries could soon power drones, with electric aircraft a future possibility. Researchers aim to demonstrate the technology in commercial drones and electric vertical…

Monash Commercializing Rapid-Charge Lithium-Sulfur Battery Technology Funda kabanzi "

Imoto yePorsche egumbini lokubonisa

I-Porsche neFrauscher Yethula Esinye Isikebhe Semidlalo Kagesi; All-Electric Drive Unit From Porsche Macan Turbo

Together with the renowned Frauscher Shipyard in Austria, Porsche has developed an electric boat that is also intended to impress on the water with its Porsche E-Performance—now in two different versions. While two-door Porsche sports cars are available as coupés and convertibles, among other variants, Frauscher offers a choice between…

I-Porsche neFrauscher Yethula Esinye Isikebhe Semidlalo Kagesi; All-Electric Drive Unit From Porsche Macan Turbo Funda kabanzi "

umatilasi wemoto

Ungawukhetha Kanjani Umatilasi Wemoto Ongcono Kakhulu ngo-2025: Umhlahlandlela Ophelele Wokunethezeka Okufanelekile Nokusebenza

Zitholele izici ezibalulekile ekukhetheni umatilasi wemoto ongcono kakhulu ka-2025. Funda mayelana nezinhlobo eziyinhloko, amathrendi akamuva, amamodeli aphambili, namathiphu ochwepheshe wezinketho ezihamba phambili.

Ungawukhetha Kanjani Umatilasi Wemoto Ongcono Kakhulu ngo-2025: Umhlahlandlela Ophelele Wokunethezeka Okufanelekile Nokusebenza Funda kabanzi "

Imbobo yokushaja imoto kagesi

Inkampani YaseMelika Yobuchwepheshe Bebhethri Iklonyeliswe Ngenkontileka Yesibonelelo Sikahulumeni engu-$144M evela kwa-DOE Ngokwakhiwa Kwendawo Yesibili Yokugaywa Kabusha Kwebhethri ye-Li-ion

American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT), an integrated critical battery materials company that is commercializing its technologies for both primary battery minerals manufacturing and secondary minerals lithium-ion battery recycling, has received a contracted grant award for $144 million of federal investment by the US Department of Energy (DOE). These funds…

Inkampani YaseMelika Yobuchwepheshe Bebhethri Iklonyeliswe Ngenkontileka Yesibonelelo Sikahulumeni engu-$144M evela kwa-DOE Ngokwakhiwa Kwendawo Yesibili Yokugaywa Kabusha Kwebhethri ye-Li-ion Funda kabanzi "

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