I-Master Air Waybill
I-master air waybill (i-MAWB) idokhumenti yokuthutha yempahia yomoya enemininingwane yemigomo yokulethwa ekhishwe umthwali wempahla yomoya noma i-ejenti yayo.
Imininingwane ebalulekile kanye nezibuyekezo zemakethe zezokuthutha nohwebo.
I-master air waybill (i-MAWB) idokhumenti yokuthutha yempahia yomoya enemininingwane yemigomo yokulethwa ekhishwe umthwali wempahla yomoya noma i-ejenti yayo.
I-house air waybill (HAWB) idokhumenti yokuthutha yempahia yomoya ekhishwa abathumeli bempahla ngefomethi ye-waybill yomoya yemvelo enemininingwane yokulethwa.
Isaziso sokufika siyidokhumenti ethunyelwe kuhlangothi lokwazisa ukuze ilazise ngosuku lokufika kwempahla. Ikhishwa umthumeli wempahla olwandle, umthuthi wezimpahla, noma i-ejenti.
Uhlu lokupakisha luyidokhumenti yesimemezelo sempahla ethengiswayo enohlu lwamaphakheji okuthunyelwa ngakunye anemininingwane ngayinye ngesisindo, ubukhulu, kanye nenani.
I-CFS (isiteshi sezimpahla ezithwala impahla) iyindawo lapho ukuhlanganiswa kwempahla nokuqiniswa kwenzeka khona.
I-Incoterms® imigomo yezohwebo ethuthukiswe yi-International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) ukuze ucacise imininingwane ezinkontilekeni zohwebo zokulethwa kwempahla emhlabeni jikelele.
I-Carriage Paid To (CPT) iyi-incoterm esho ukulethwa kwezimpahla ngezindleko zomthengisi kunkampani yenethiwekhi noma kunoma yimuphi umthengisi omqokile.
Inqola Nomshwalense Okhokhelwayo (CIP) yi-incoterm lapho umthengisi ekhokhela impahla kanye nezindleko zomshwalense kufika endaweni yeqembu eliqokiwe.
I-invoyisi yezohwebo idokhumenti ecacisa inani nenani lezimpahla ezithunyelwe ngezinjongo zokumenyezelwa kwentela kanye nohlu lokupakisha.
Umngenisi werekhodi (IOR) ngumuntu oyedwa noma inhlangano ephethe ukugcwalisa amaphepha kanye nokwenza izinkokhelo ezindlekweni.
Umthumeli werekhodi (EOR) unesibopho sokulungiselela imibhalo efanele ukuze ahambisane nemibandela edingekayo yokuthekelisa.
Full container load (FCL) is a term for ocean freight when the shipper ships cargo that fully occupies a container.
Less than Container Load (LCL) is a small shipment not enough for full container load (FCL) but is combined with other LCLshipments in one container.
The notify party is the person who is listed on a Bill of Lading or Air Waybill and will be informed when a shipment reaches its destination.
A master bill of lading (MBL) is a document title that serves as a transfer receipt issued to shipping companies by their carrier.