A shipper is a person who consigns goods and signs a contract of carriage with a carrier in one‘s name or on one‘s behalf on the freight documents.
Isichazamazwi sakho sokuya kuso
A shipper is a person who consigns goods and signs a contract of carriage with a carrier in one‘s name or on one‘s behalf on the freight documents.
I-house bill of lading (HBL) iwukuvuma ukutholwa kwempahla ekhishwe umthumeli wempahla noma inkampani engeyona eyemikhumbi (NVOCC).
An original bill of lading (OBL) is a contract of carriage, which doubles as a title of the cargo and a carrier’s receipt of the cargo.
I-express bill of lading wuhlobo lwebhili yomthwalo engakhishwanga futhi umthwalo udedelwa ngokuzenzakalelayo lapho uya khona.
I-master air waybill (i-MAWB) idokhumenti yokuthutha yempahia yomoya enemininingwane yemigomo yokulethwa ekhishwe umthwali wempahla yomoya noma i-ejenti yayo.
I-house air waybill (HAWB) idokhumenti yokuthutha yempahia yomoya ekhishwa abathumeli bempahla ngefomethi ye-waybill yomoya yemvelo enemininingwane yokulethwa.
An arrival notice is a document sent to the notify party to inform them of the cargo’s arrival date. It is issued by the ocean freight forwarder, freight carrier, or agent.
A packing list is a customs declaration document with each shipment’s list of packages detailed individually by weight, dimension, and quantity.
A CFS (container freight station) is a warehouse where cargo consolidation and deconsolidation takes place.
Incoterms® are trade terms developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to specify details in trade contracts for global freight delivery.
Carriage Paid To (CPT) is an incoterm that refers to the delivery of the goods at the seller’s expense to a carrier or anyone the seller designates.
Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP) is an incoterm in which the seller covers the freight and insurance costs up to a designated party’s location.
I-invoyisi yezohwebo idokhumenti ecacisa inani nenani lezimpahla ezithunyelwe ngezinjongo zokumenyezelwa kwentela kanye nohlu lokupakisha.
Umngenisi werekhodi (IOR) ngumuntu oyedwa noma inhlangano ephethe ukugcwalisa amaphepha kanye nokwenza izinkokhelo ezindlekweni.
An exporter of record (EOR) is responsible for correct documentation preparation to comply with the required export specifications.