Imali Yokulethwa Kwendawo yokuhlala
Inkokhelo yendawo yokuhlala ingase ikhokhiswe umshayeli weloli ukuze ihanjiswe endaweni okuhlala kuyo.
Isichazamazwi sakho sokuya kuso
Inkokhelo yendawo yokuhlala ingase ikhokhiswe umshayeli weloli ukuze ihanjiswe endaweni okuhlala kuyo.
Inkokhelo ye-bobtail itholwa uma umshayeli weloli ephonsa isiqukathi se-FCL endaweni yokugcina impahla bese ebuya kamuva ukuzolanda isitsha esingenalutho.
Inkokhelo ye-liftgate ngokuvamile ikhokhiswa umshayeli weloli ukuze ilethe endaweni lapho isevisi ye-liftgate idingeka khona ngenxa yokuntuleka kwedokodo lokulayisha.
Imali yokulinda iloli ikhokhiswa umshayeli weloli uma kuthatha isikhathi eside kunesikhathi esijwayelekile samahhala samahora angu-1-2 ukuze athathe noma akhiphe isiqukathi esigcwele.
Ukubanjwa kwempahla kwenzeka lapho iziphathimandla zendawo zentela zibopha izimpahla ezingeniswa ezweni ukuze zihlole ukuthotshelwa kwemithetho efanele yokuthumela ngemikhumbi.
Imali yokulethwa kwangaphakathi ikhokhiswa umshayeli weloli ezimeni lapho umshayeli weloli edingeka ukuthi angene endaweni yokudiliva noma yokulanda ukuze alethe okokugcina.
A reefer container (RF) is a shipping container that keeps its contents at a controlled temperature.
I-Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) iyindawo ekhethiwe ngaphakathi noma eduze kwase-US Port of Entry lapho izimpahla zikhululiwe ezinkokhelweni zentela nezinye izintela.
Shipment Gross Weight is the cumulative weight of an entire shipment, calculated by adding the tare and net weights.
The chargeable weight is the weight that an air or LCL freight provider charges to move a customer’s cargo and it is usually determined by calculating the volumetric and gross weight and selecting the higher weight.
Iloli eligcwele (i-FTL) ukuthunyelwa okukhulu ngokwanele ukuthi kudinga iloli eligcwele ukuze lihanjiswe.
Less than truckload (LTL) is a freight trucking method for smaller shipments that don’t fill up a truck and can be combined together to fill up a full truckload.
A dry run refers to a trucking scenario when a trucker is unable to complete a pickup or delivery.
A clean truck fee is levied by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach as part of the Clear Air Action Plan to help cut down on air pollution.
I-Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) idokhumenti ebala zonke izingozi ezingase zibe khona kanye nenqubo yokuphatha ngokuphephile yazo zonke izimpahla ezingaba yingozi.