Igama lombhali: Green Car Congress

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I-Audi Q5

I-Audi Yethula I-Q5 Yesizukulwane Sesithathu; I-PPC Yokuqala ~ Izinjini Ze-SUV, Mhev Kaphethiloli kanye Nezinjini Zedizili; Phevs To Follow

I-Audi Q5 SUV isingelinye lamaSUV adume kakhulu esigabeni esimaphakathi eJalimane naseYurophu iminyaka engaphezu kwengu-15. I-Audi manje yethula isizukulwane sakamuva sokudayisa kakhulu. I-Q5 entsha iyiSUV yokuqala esekwe kwiPremium Platform Combustion (PPC) futhi...

I-Audi Yethula I-Q5 Yesizukulwane Sesithathu; I-PPC Yokuqala ~ Izinjini Ze-SUV, Mhev Kaphethiloli kanye Nezinjini Zedizili; Phevs To Follow Funda kabanzi "


I-Toshiba Yethula I-Automotive Photocoupler Enomphumela Omelana ne-Voltage engu-900V (Min)

I-Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH yethule i-photorelay entsha ehambisana nezimoto eyenzelwe amasistimu okulawula ahlobene nebhethri angu-400V. I-TLX9152M ifaka inani elincane eliphumayo elimelana ne-voltage (VOFF) engu-900V ukuze isekele izinhlelo zokusebenza ezifana nebhethri nokulawula amaseli kaphethiloli, kanye nezinhlelo zokuphatha amabhethri (BMS) ezimotweni zikagesi (EV) lapho ingaba khona.

I-Toshiba Yethula I-Automotive Photocoupler Enomphumela Omelana ne-Voltage engu-900V (Min) Funda kabanzi "

Ugesi we-Hyper-Suv Eletre

I-Lotus Yethula Okuhlukile Okusha Okunethezeka Kwe-Ultra-Luxury engu-$230K ye-Electric Hyper-Suv Eletre yayo

I-Lotus yethule uhlobo olusha lwe-ultra-luxury lwe-electric hyper-SUV Eletre, Eletre Carbon, eNyakatho Melika. Ngokwakhela ku-Lotus' hyper-SUV ekhona, i-Eletre Carbon iyimodeli esebenza kakhulu futhi eguquguqukayo ye-Eletre. Imoto yakhelwe ngqo imakethe yaseMelika naseCanada ukuhlangabezana nalokho okushiwo yiLotus…

I-Lotus Yethula Okuhlukile Okusha Okunethezeka Kwe-Ultra-Luxury engu-$230K ye-Electric Hyper-Suv Eletre yayo Funda kabanzi "

I-Tesla Supercharger

I-GM Ivula Ukufinyelela Kuma-Supercharger e-Tesla Amakhasimende ayo e-EV

I-General Motors ivule ithuba lokufinyelela kuma-Tesla Supercharger angaphezu kwe-17,800 kumakhasimende ayo, ngokusebenzisa i-adaptha ye-NACS DC egunyazwe yi-GM, umnyakazo ozosiza ukusheshisa izinketho zokushaja ezisheshayo nezilula zabashayeli be-EV bamanje nabazayo. Ngokungezwa kweTesla Supercharger Network,…

I-GM Ivula Ukufinyelela Kuma-Supercharger e-Tesla Amakhasimende ayo e-EV Funda kabanzi "

IHyundai Motor

Hyundai Motor unveils new strategy; enhanced EV and hybrid competitiveness; new EREV models by 2026

Hyundai Motor Company unveiled its new mid- to long-term strategy. The company commited to enhancing its electric vehicle (EV) and hybrid competitiveness, advancing its battery and autonomous vehicle technologies, and expanding its vision as an energy mobilizer, responding to the market environment flexibly with its dynamic capabilities. Implementing a full…

Hyundai Motor unveils new strategy; enhanced EV and hybrid competitiveness; new EREV models by 2026 Funda kabanzi "

Ukusebenza Kwasolwandle

I-Hypermotive ne-Honda Zisebenzisana ku-X-M1 Hydrogen System Yokusebenza Kwasolwandle

I-Hypermotive Ltd. yethule i-X-M1, inkundla yokuphehla ugesi we-hydrogen fuel based cell eklanyelwe izinhlelo zokusebenza zasolwandle. Ithuthukiswe ngokubambisana nabakwa-Honda, futhi isekelwe ubuchwepheshe be-Hypermotive's SYSTEM-X, i-X-M1 iyisistimu yamandla kagesi e-scalable, eyi-modular, ye-hydrogen fuel cell eyenza ukushintshwa kwamandla ahlanzekile kufinyeleleke kalula futhi kufinyeleleke kubaqhubi basolwandle….

I-Hypermotive ne-Honda Zisebenzisana ku-X-M1 Hydrogen System Yokusebenza Kwasolwandle Funda kabanzi "

imoto ye-fuel cell

BMW Group and Toyota Motor Corporation Jointly Developing Next Generation of Fuel Cell Technology; BMW to Launch First Series Production Fuel Cell Vehicle in 2028

The BMW Group and the Toyota Motor Corporation are collaborating to bring a new generation of fuel cell powertrain technology to the roads. Both companies share the aspiration of advancing the hydrogen economy and have extended their collaboration to push this locally zero-emission technology to the next level. The BMW…

BMW Group and Toyota Motor Corporation Jointly Developing Next Generation of Fuel Cell Technology; BMW to Launch First Series Production Fuel Cell Vehicle in 2028 Funda kabanzi "

Amaseli ebhethri ePrismatic

I-Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Yethula Imigqa Emibili Yomkhiqizo Emisha Yamaseli Ebhethri E-Prismatic

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies has launched two new product lines for prismatic battery cells. By 2030, more than 100 million electric cars are expected to be on the roads worldwide. To make electromobility more efficient in the future, nearly all manufacturers are working to increase range and reduce charging times. High-performance…

I-Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Yethula Imigqa Emibili Yomkhiqizo Emisha Yamaseli Ebhethri E-Prismatic Funda kabanzi "

Daimler central factory stuttgart germany

I-Daimler Truck kanye ne-Kawasaki Heavy Industries To Study optimization of Liquid Hydrogen Supply Chains

Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Daimler Truck signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to study the establishment and optimization for the supply of liquid hydrogen. The collaboration represents an advancement in ongoing efforts to broaden the use of liquid hydrogen, e.g. in road freight transport. The mutual initiative includes the study…

I-Daimler Truck kanye ne-Kawasaki Heavy Industries To Study optimization of Liquid Hydrogen Supply Chains Funda kabanzi "

Ukuthengisa kwe-EV

I-Rho Motion: I-European July EV Sales Fall Year-On-Year; I-China ikhuphuka nePhevs Ehamba phambili

Rho Motion reported that 1.4 million EVs were sold globally in July, bringing the year-to-date sales figure up to 8.4 million. Regional disparities continue to grow as EU & EFTA & UK sales fall year on year by 8% compared to July 2023 and China’s market grew by 31%. Globally,…

I-Rho Motion: I-European July EV Sales Fall Year-On-Year; I-China ikhuphuka nePhevs Ehamba phambili Funda kabanzi "

Amakhithi Okulungisa Izimoto zikagesi

I-ZF Aftermarket Yethula Amakhithi Okulungisa I-Axle Drive kagesi, Iphothifoliyo Enweba Yezimoto zikagesi nezeHybrid Kithi naseCanada.

ZF Aftermarket, a full systems aftermarket provider, has released 25 Electric Axle Drive Repair Kits for cars and SUVs in the US and Canada (USC). The kits enable independent workshops to perform repairs without removing electric axle drives, making it faster and easier for shops to service electric vehicles. The…

I-ZF Aftermarket Yethula Amakhithi Okulungisa I-Axle Drive kagesi, Iphothifoliyo Enweba Yezimoto zikagesi nezeHybrid Kithi naseCanada. Funda kabanzi "


IVolkswagen Yethula i-id.3 I-Gtx Fire+Ice NgeMotor Enamandla Kagesi Engeziwe

Volkswagen presented the ID.3 GTX FIRE+ICE at the ID. Meeting in Locarno, Switzerland. Developed in collaboration with BOGNER, the Munich-based luxury sports fashion brand, the car is reminiscent of the legendary Golf Fire and Ice, which became a surprise success in the 1990s and has since achieved cult status among…

IVolkswagen Yethula i-id.3 I-Gtx Fire+Ice NgeMotor Enamandla Kagesi Engeziwe Funda kabanzi "

Umlandeli Wezikhova

UMahle Wethula I-Bio-Inspired Fan ye-E-Vehicles; Izikhova Amaphiko

Ku-IAA Transportation 2024 e-Hanover, u-MAHLE wethula umlandeli osebenza kahle kakhulu ophefumulelwe nge-bio owenza izimoto zentengiso zithule kakhulu. I-fan yenzelwe izimoto ezisebenza ngogesi zamabhethri ezifunwa kakhulu. Lapho ithuthukisa ama-blade ayo okungenisa umoya ngokusetshenziswa kwe-AI, onjiniyela be-MAHLE bathola ugqozi…

UMahle Wethula I-Bio-Inspired Fan ye-E-Vehicles; Izikhova Amaphiko Funda kabanzi "

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