Igama lombhali: Green Car Congress

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I-BMW Group Plant Leipzig iqala ukukhiqiza i-MINI Countryman Electric

The all-electric version of the MINI Countryman is now rolling off the lines at BMW Group Plant Leipzig, four months after the production launch of the combustion-engined MINI Countryman. After phasing out production of the BMW i3, the birthplace of electric mobility at the BMW Group now manufactures four models…

I-BMW Group Plant Leipzig iqala ukukhiqiza i-MINI Countryman Electric Funda kabanzi "

Indlunkulu yaseRivian eSilicon Valley

U-Rivian Wethula i-R2, i-R3, kanye ne-R3X Yakhelwe Ku-New Midsize Platform; U-R2 Iqala Ngama-$45,000

Rivian unveiled its new midsize platform which underpins R2 and R3 product lines. R2 is Rivian’s all-new midsize SUV. R3 is a midsize crossover and R3X is a performance variant of R3 offering more dynamic abilities both on and off road. Rivian introduces its midsize platform family: R2, R3 and…

U-Rivian Wethula i-R2, i-R3, kanye ne-R3X Yakhelwe Ku-New Midsize Platform; U-R2 Iqala Ngama-$45,000 Funda kabanzi "


Honda Reveals 2025 Honda CR-V e:FCEV; Plug-in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

Honda revealed the US’ first production plug-in hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, the 2025 Honda CR-V e:FCEV. With a 270-mile EPA driving range rating, CR-V e:FCEV combines an all-new US-made fuel cell system along with plug-in charging capability designed to provide up to 29 miles of EV driving around town…

Honda Reveals 2025 Honda CR-V e:FCEV; Plug-in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Funda kabanzi "

Amabhethri e-lithium-ion , i-metallic lithium kanye nophawu lwesici

I-LG Energy Solution Iqinisa Ubambiswano Ne-WesCEF, Ivikela Uchungechunge Lokuhlinzeka Nge-Lithium Oluzinzile Lwemakethe YaseMelika YaseMelika

LG Energy Solution signed an offtake agreement with Wesfarmers Chemicals, Energy and Fertilisers (WesCEF) for lithium concentrate, further advancing the companies’ pre-existing partnership driven by the objective to deliver efficient and sustainable power solutions to the North American market. Under the agreement, WesCEF will supply LG Energy Solution up to…

I-LG Energy Solution Iqinisa Ubambiswano Ne-WesCEF, Ivikela Uchungechunge Lokuhlinzeka Nge-Lithium Oluzinzile Lwemakethe YaseMelika YaseMelika Funda kabanzi "

iot smart automotive Driverless car with artificial intelligence combine with deep learning technology

I-Nissan Izokwenza Ukuhweba Ngezinsizakalo Ze-SAE Level 4 Autonomous-Drive Mobility e-Japan ngonyaka Wezimali ka-2027

Nissan Motor announced its roadmap to commercialize its inhouse-developed, autonomous-drive mobility services (SAE Level 4 equivalent) in Japan. Nissan has been testing business models for mobility services in Japan and abroad since 2017. These vicinities include the Minato Mirai area of Yokohama and Namie town, Fukushima Prefecture, where a manned…

I-Nissan Izokwenza Ukuhweba Ngezinsizakalo Ze-SAE Level 4 Autonomous-Drive Mobility e-Japan ngonyaka Wezimali ka-2027 Funda kabanzi "

Iloli likagesi elinesiteshi sokushaja

Electrify America kanye ne-NFI Open Heavy-Duty Charging Infrastructure Project

I-Electrify America kanye ne-NFI , umhlinzeki wezokuthutha ohamba phambili eNyakatho Melika, umemezele ukuvulwa okuhle kwesikhungo sokushaja esisheshayo se-NFI se-DC e-Ontario, CA. Isekela uxhaxha lwemikhumbi ye-NFI yamaloli kagesi athwala kanzima angama-50, iphrojekthi ithuthukisa ukufakwa kukagesi kokusebenza kwedrayige phakathi kwamachweba aseLos Angeles naseLong…

Electrify America kanye ne-NFI Open Heavy-Duty Charging Infrastructure Project Funda kabanzi "

Chrysler Transmission Plant

Chrysler Unveils Halcyon Concept EV; Lyten Li-Sulfur Batteries

Chrysler unveiled the Chrysler Halcyon Concept electric vehicle. Chrysler will launch the brand’s first battery-electric vehicle in 2025 and will feature an all-electric portfolio in 2028. The Chrysler Halcyon Concept reinforces the brand’s commitment to the Stellantis Dare Forward 2030 plan, which cultivates the electrified and more efficient propulsion systems…

Chrysler Unveils Halcyon Concept EV; Lyten Li-Sulfur Batteries Funda kabanzi "

Isiteshi sokushaja se-EV

Ikhomishini Yamandla YaseCalifornia Igunyaza Uhlelo luka-$1.9B Lokunweba Ingqalasizinda Yezokuthutha Engakhishwa Kahle

The California Energy Commission (CEC) approved a $1.9 billion investment plan that accelerates progress on the state’s electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen refueling goals. These investments will help deploy infrastructure for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) across California, creating the most extensive charging and hydrogen refueling network…

Ikhomishini Yamandla YaseCalifornia Igunyaza Uhlelo luka-$1.9B Lokunweba Ingqalasizinda Yezokuthutha Engakhishwa Kahle Funda kabanzi "

Renault company logo on car in front of dealership building

AbakwaRenault bethula iRenault 5 E-Tech Electric, Iqala ku-€25,000

Renault is introducing the Renault 5 E-Tech electric. Packed with electrical and digital technology and entirely manufactured in France, it is also competitively priced, starting at around €25,000. To achieve this result on the small, affordable city car segment, the Group drew upon its full range of expertise, and particularly…

AbakwaRenault bethula iRenault 5 E-Tech Electric, Iqala ku-€25,000 Funda kabanzi "

Ilogo yombhalo we-Porsche ohlangothini lwebhilidi lokuthengisa ebusuku

I-Porsche Yethula Izinhlobonhlobo Ezimbili Ezintsha Ze-E-Hybrid ze-Panamera

Porsche is further expanding its range of powertrains for the Panamera. As part of the E-Performance strategy, the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid and the Panamera 4S E-Hybrid have been added to the portfolio. This is Porsche’s response to the particularly strong interest in efficient and dynamic e-hybrid powertrains in many markets….

I-Porsche Yethula Izinhlobonhlobo Ezimbili Ezintsha Ze-E-Hybrid ze-Panamera Funda kabanzi "

Ilogo yenkampani ye-Audi emotweni

I-Audi Ilungiselela Ukukhiqiza Amadrayivu Kagesi e-MEBeco e-Győr

Amalungiselelo okukhiqizwa kwesizukulwane esilandelayo samamotho kagesi, i-MEBeco (Modularer E-Antriebs-Baukasten, modular electric drive concept), aseqalile embonini yakwa-Audi e-Győr, e-Hungary. Idizayini ebonakalayo yemigqa yokukhiqiza iyaqhubeka futhi imishini yokuqala yokukhiqiza yokukhiqiza izinto zokudlulisela esikhathini esizayo ine...

I-Audi Ilungiselela Ukukhiqiza Amadrayivu Kagesi e-MEBeco e-Győr Funda kabanzi "

Ilogo ye-Honda enjinini yesikebhe

IHonda Marine Ikhipha Indlela Yekusasa Lesikhathi Esizayo

I-Honda Marine, ingxenye ye-Honda Power Sports & Products kanye nomkhangisi wohlu oluphelele lwamamotho aphumayo olwandle anemivimbo emine ukusuka ku-2.3 kuya ku-350 wamahhashi, iveze ukuthi inkampani iwuqhubela kanjani phambili umgomo wayo wokwandisa ukuhamba emanzini—isebenzisa ubuchwepheshe be-Honda emhlabeni wonke. Ithimba lakwaHonda…

IHonda Marine Ikhipha Indlela Yekusasa Lesikhathi Esizayo Funda kabanzi "

Ibhethri yemoto yesistimu kagesi yemoto endaweni yenjini

Ibhentshimakhi: I-Li-ion Battery Boom Driving Fluorspar Demand

Isidingo se-Fluorspar emkhakheni webhethri le-lithium-ion kulindeleke ukuthi sidlule amathani ayizigidi eziyi-1.6 ngo-2030, okumelela ingxenye enkulu yemakethe iyonke, ngokusho kwe-Benchmark's Fluorspar Market Outlook entsha. Le mineral, ikakhulukazi eyakhiwe nge-calcium fluoride (CaF2), inamandla angaphezu kwamandla ayo okusetshenziswa eziqandisini, ekwenzeni insimbi ne-aluminium...

Ibhentshimakhi: I-Li-ion Battery Boom Driving Fluorspar Demand Funda kabanzi "

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