Le phrojekthi yamukela ubuchwepheshe bokulawula imvamisa ye-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage assisted frequency, obuhlanganisa amasethi angama-60 ezinhlelo zokugcina amandla ebhethri angu-3.35 MW/6.7 MWh kanye nesethi engu-1 yesistimu yokugcina amandla engu-3 MW/6 yemizuzu eyi-supercapacitor.

Image: Longyuan Power
From ESS News
Longyuan Power, a subsidiary of China’s state-owned mining and energy company CHN Energy, has successfully connected to the grid the first phase of its landmark 320 MW/640 MWh energy storage project in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. The 200 MW/400 MWh energy storage project, the largest electrochemical storage facility in Shandong, is now operational, marking a significant milestone for the region’s energy storage sector.
As one of the province’s key projects, the station spans approximately 61 acres and represents an investment of CNY 1.26 billion ($170 million). It integrates cutting-edge hybrid storage technology, combining 60 battery systems of 3.35 MW/6.7 MWh capacity with a 3 MW/6-minute supercapacitor system, PCS systems, main transformers, and a step-up substation. During off-peak hours, the system harnesses surplus grid energy, enhancing overall efficiency.
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