Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amandla avuselelekayo » I-SkyLine II Tracker Isekelwe ku-Multipoint Drive Mechanism Eklanyelwe Ukwamukela Amamojula Anamandla Amakhulu

I-SkyLine II Tracker Isekelwe ku-Multipoint Drive Mechanism Eklanyelwe Ukwamukela Amamojula Anamandla Amakhulu

  • SkyLine II tracker is an horizontal single axis tracker based on 1P architecture is designed to address common constrains of typical single axis trackers interms of stability by stowing at 0 degrees  
  • The tracker uses pentagonal torque tube and synchronous multi-point driving mechanism 
  •  The design with many fixed locations allows construction of  independent blocks that facilitates modularity which accommodate all panel sizes and string counts per tracker 

Arctech from China, a leading tracking, racking and BIPV solutions provider, has launched its SkyLine II tracker solution during Intersolar. It is a 1P tracker that employs multipoint drive mechanism technology and has been specifically built to tag along the latest trend of larger module formats in pursuit of higher power ratings. 

Arctech introduced SkyLine II, a rigid tracker system that addresses  the constraints of typical single-axis flexible trackers in terms of stability. It is a new-generation rigid  horizontal single-axis tracker with an independent row and 1P architecture, using a pentagonal  torque tube and synchronous multi-point driving mechanism. Unlike typical flexible trackers, which  rotate excessively during wind events and must be stowed at steep angles, the Skyline II safely stows at 0 degrees without torsional distortion.  

The design allows the solar tracker to be as stable as possible at all tracking tilts. Furthermore, the unique design with many fixed locations provides independent “construction blocks,” allowing for the most versatile modularity to accommodate all panel sizes and string counts per tracker. Furthermore, Skyline II only activates wind stows at 22 m/s, resulting in up to 2% greater energy yield per year and a lower LCOE, according to the company. 

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