Ikhaya » Iindaba zamva » Amashishini ehlabathi ali-10 anelona nani likhulu lamashishini

Amashishini ehlabathi ali-10 anelona nani likhulu lamashishini


Global Commercial Real Estate

Abacebisi boLawulo lwehlabathi

Iinkonzo zoCwangciso-mali zeHlabathi

Ii-Broker ze-Inshurensi yeHlabathi kunye nee-Arhente

Ukhenketho lweHlabathi

Ababoneleli ngeNkonzo ye-Intanethi yeHlabathi

IiHotele zeHlabathi kunye neendawo ekuchithelwa kuzo iiholide

Iindawo zokutyela ezikhawulezayo zehlabathi

IGlobal HR & Iinkonzo zokuGaya

Iinkonzo zobuNjineli behlabathi

1. Global Commercial Real Estate

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 7,031,496

Ishishini leGlobal Commercial Real Estate likhule kwisithuba seminyaka emihlanu ukuya ku-2022. Nangona kunjalo, ukuzithemba komtyali-zimali kwehle kancinci kwangelo xesha linye, kwehle nge-0.2%. Ukongeza, ukuqhambuka kwe-COVID-19 (coronavirus) kuthintele kakhulu imfuno njengoko ukungaqiniseki kwezoqoqosho kusanda. Ngokukodwa, ingeniso yeshishini yehle nge-7.2% kunye ne-4.0% ngo-2020 nango-2021, ngokulandelelanayo. Ngenxa yoko, ingeniso yeshishini kulindeleke ukuba yehle kancinci kwi-0.3% ukuya kwi-4.2 yezigidi zezigidi zeedola kule minyaka mihlanu ukuya ku-2022, ngaphandle kokunyuka okulindelweyo kwe-1.1% ngo-2022 njengoko uqoqosho lubuyela kubhubhani we-coronavirus.

2. Abacebisi boLawulo lwehlabathi

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 2,214,053

Operators in the Global Management Consultants industry provide advisory services to a range of clients to help improve organizational performance. Consultants focus on topics such as organizational design, process management and corporate strategy. Over the five years to 2022, demand for management consulting services has increased, despite the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic negatively affecting the industry in 2020. However, industry profit is expected to decline during the period as wage pressure, competition and reduced demand in 2022 weigh on profit growth. Between 2017 and 2019, global economic growth was the primary driver of industry revenue.

3. Iinkonzo zoCwangciso-mali zeHlabathi

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 1,590,203

Abasebenzi kushishino lweGlobal Accounting Services badla ngokunikezela ngeenkonzo ezahlukeneyo, ezinjengokulungiswa kweengxelo zemali, uphuhliso lohlahlo lwabiwo-mali kunye nophononongo lweerekhodi zophicotho kumashishini amancinci, aphakathi namakhulu. Ukuzinzisa kunye nokukhula koqoqosho oluzinzileyo kumazwe aphuhlileyo kunye nokomelela okuqhubekayo kumazwe amaninzi asakhulayo kuye kwakhuthaza ukudalwa kwezoshishino kunye nokwandisa, ngaloo ndlela kwandisa i-pool yabathengi kwiifemu ze-accounting. Ke ngoko, ingeniso yeshishini kulindeleke ukuba inyuke ngesantya sonyaka se-3.0% ukuya kwi-573.8 yeebhiliyoni zeedola kwiminyaka emihlanu ukuya ku-2022, inyuke nge-2.6% ngo-2022 kuphela.

4. Ii-Broker ze-Inshurensi yeHlabathi kunye nee-Arhente

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 1,109,158

The Global Insurance Brokers and Agencies industry plays a critical role in the insurance market by distributing policies and consulting insurance underwriters and consumers. Given the transaction-based nature of the industry, revenue primarily depends on three factors, which include policy pricing, demand for insurance and the popularity of using agents and brokers in the distribution process. The industry has been hindered from the global economic uncertainty that has been caused by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

5. Ukhenketho lweHlabathi

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 803,506

The Global Tourism industry is expected to decrease an annualized 4.3% to $1.3 trillion over the five years to 2021. Global tourism has performed well during most of the five-year period, with emerging economies continuing to stimulate growth. Moreover, countries in Asia and South America have experienced robust growth in per capita income, which has enabled consumers in these regions to take overseas trips in increasing numbers. However, due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, industry revenue is expected to decline nearly 50.0% in 2020.

6. Ababoneleli ngeNkonzo ye-Intanethi yeHlabathi

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 752,597

Increasing use of the internet has significantly benefited the Global Internet Service Providers industry over the five years to 2021. Expansion has been propelled by rapid advancements in digital infrastructure and services, particularly in developing economies where internet penetration remains low. The emergence of powerful personal and business internet applications has transformed how businesses and consumers operate, and has also presented opportunities for operators to offer additional high-margin services. Despite these advancements, industry profit has declined over the five years to 2021.

7. IiHotele zeHlabathi kunye neendawo ekuchithelwa kuzo iiholide

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 590,836

Over the five years to 2021, the Global Hotels and Resorts industry is anticipated to experience declining revenue. Initially, strong growth between 2016 and 2019 occurred as both consumers and businesses became more confident about their finances and spent more liberally on luxuries, including travel. This culminated in a substantial increase in both travel rates and hotel room and occupancy rates, two indicators of a hotel’s performance. Global tourist arrivals were also steadily increasing between 2016 and 2019 until a drastic drop in 2020 due to the global spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).

8. Iindawo zokutyela ezikhawulezayo zehlabathi

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 587,055

Ukutyhubela iminyaka emihlanu ukuya ku-2022, iGlobal Fast Food Restaurants iye yanda ngaphandle kokutshintsha kwezinto ezithandwa ngabathengi kunye noqoqosho lwehlabathi olululayo. Njengoko ingeniso enokulahlwa yenyuka ngeli xesha, abathengi baye bonyusa inkcitho kwizinto zobumnandi, ezinjengokutya ngaphandle, ngoko ke konyusa ingeniso yeshishini. Nangona kunjalo, iivenkile zokutyela ezinenkonzo epheleleyo zigqwesile ngokutya okukhawulezayo ngeli xesha, njengoko abathengi abaninzi babenomvuzo olahlwayo. Ishishini likwafumene imfuno ezinzileyo nekhulayo evela kuqoqosho olusakhulayo, ethe yanyusa ukusebenza kweshishini kukonke. Ngeli xesha, ishishini liye lanyanzeliswa ukuba liziqhelanise nokhetho lwabathengi olukhulayo olukhathalela impilo.

9. IGlobal HR & Iinkonzo zokuGaya

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 574,263

The Global HR and Recruitment Services industry relies on an organizations’ demand for outsourcing its recruitment processes and human resource management activities. Industry performance largely depends on economic conditions in major markets and the effect these conditions have on demand for labor worldwide. Labor market regulation, particularly relating to temporary employees, is also important to industry performance. While the liberalization of labor laws in developed nations has historically been essential to industry growth, large players have now focused on emerging markets.

10. Iinkonzo zobuNjineli behlabathi

Inani lamaShishini ka-2022: 455,894

Companies operating in the Global Engineering Services industry apply the physical laws and principles of engineering to design and develop structures, machines, materials, instruments and other processes and systems. Services also include providing advice, feasibility studies, designs and technical services during construction or development. Consequently, the performance of the industry relies on investment trends and the overall health of the economy to fuel projects where engineering services are needed. Strong investment in major markets, such as the United States, Europe and East Asia, has driven industry growth in recent years.

Umthombo ovela IBISWorld

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