Izahlulo zesithuthuthu & nezixhobo

Umboniso kwivenkile yeecompressor zomoya ezintsha

I-Honda Ityhila Injini ye-V3 eneCompressor yoMbane

Honda unveiled the first V3 motorcycle engine with an electrical compressor. The water-cooled 75-degree V3 engine is being newly developed for larger displacement motorcycles, and has been designed to be extremely slim and compact. V3 engine with electrical compressor It features the world’s first electrical compressor for motorcycles, which is…

I-Honda Ityhila Injini ye-V3 eneCompressor yoMbane Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Ivili lesithuthuthu, isithuthuthu, isithuthuthu

Ukuphonononga i-Motorcycle Shock Absorbers: Ulwazi lweMarike, Iintlobo, kunye neNdlela yokuKhetha

Ukutyhila ubume bomhlaba obutshintshayo boshishino lokuthomalalisa ukothuka kwesithuthuthu. Ukusuka kwiintsingiselo ezivelayo kunye neentlobo ezahlukeneyo ukuya kwingqwalasela ebalulekileyo xa ukhetha i-absorber egqibeleleyo yokothuka kwibhayisekile yakho.

Ukuphonononga i-Motorcycle Shock Absorbers: Ulwazi lweMarike, Iintlobo, kunye neNdlela yokuKhetha Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

ikhamera yesithuthuthu

Ungazikhetha njani ezona khamera zibalaseleyo zesithuthuthu ngo-2025: Isikhokelo esiBanzi

Phonononga iikhamera eziphezulu zesithuthuthu ngo-2025 ezineenkcukacha kwiintlobo zekhamera kunye neempawu ezibalulekileyo zokunceda abakhweli ekukhetheni eyona ndlela ifanelekileyo kwiimfuno zabo. Sikwajonge kwiindlela zentengiso zangoku kunye neemodeli zekhamera ezidumileyo ezikhoyo.

Ungazikhetha njani ezona khamera zibalaseleyo zesithuthuthu ngo-2025: Isikhokelo esiBanzi Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Izithuthuthu zombane

I-Honda kunye ne-Yamaha zifikelela kwiSivumelwano kwi-OEM yoNikezo lweeModeli zesithuthuthu soMbane kudidi loku-1

Honda Motor and Yamaha Motor reached an agreement for Honda to supply Yamaha with electric motorcycle models for the Japanese market, based on the Honda “EM1 e:” and “BENLY e: I” Class-1 category models, as an OEM (original equipment manufacturer). The two companies will proceed with further discussion toward the…

I-Honda kunye ne-Yamaha zifikelela kwiSivumelwano kwi-OEM yoNikezo lweeModeli zesithuthuthu soMbane kudidi loku-1 Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Skrolela phezulu