Ikhaya » Iibhetri ezizenzekelayo

Iibhetri ezizenzekelayo

Imveliso yePolestar SUV

I-Polestar iqala ukuveliswa kwePolestar 3 eMzantsi Carolina

I-Polestar iqalile ukuveliswa kwe-SUV yayo yodidi, i-Polestar 3, eMzantsi Carolina. Oku kwenza i-Polestar 3 ibe yiPolestar yokuqala ukuveliswa kumazwekazi amabini. Umzi-mveliso waseMzantsi Carolina uvelisa iimoto zabathengi e-US naseYurophu, encedisa imveliso ekhoyo e-Chengdu, e-China. Ukwenziwa kwePolestar 3...

I-Polestar iqala ukuveliswa kwePolestar 3 eMzantsi Carolina Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Imoto emhlophe

I-Mercedes-Benz GLC Plug-in Hybrid SUV Ibonelela ngokuGqwesileyo-kwi-Segment kuLuhlu loMbane loMbane weeMayile ezingama-54

I-2025 entsha ye-Mercedes-Benz GLC 350e 4MATIC SUV inikezela ngeekhilomitha ezingama-54 kuzo zonke iintlobo zombane, ngokwe-EPA certification. Isithuthi ngoku sifumaneka kwii-US dealerships ukuqala kwi-59,900 yeedola. Inkqubo ye-hybridi ine-134 hp yemoto yombane kunye ne-24.8 kWh ibhetri ukuhambisa imveliso yenkqubo edibeneyo ye-313 ...

I-Mercedes-Benz GLC Plug-in Hybrid SUV Ibonelela ngokuGqwesileyo-kwi-Segment kuLuhlu loMbane loMbane weeMayile ezingama-54 Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Iipylons ezininzi zombane ophezulu wokuthutha umbane ukusuka kwisicwangciso samandla

IQela leBMW liQalisa uKwakha uLwakhiwo lweSityalo seNdibano esitsha seBattery eziPhezulu zeVoltge e-Lower Bavaria.

Ngokufakelwa kwenkxaso yekhonkrithi yokuqala emalunga neshumi elinambini lemitha-ukuphakama, iQela leBMW liqalise ngokusesikweni ukwakhiwa kwendawo yemveliso yexesha elizayo yeebhetri eziphezulu zombane e-Lower Bavaria. Lilonke, malunga ne-1,000 yenkxaso iya kusekwa kumgangatho ongama-300 nge-500 yeemitha kwixesha elizayo…

IQela leBMW liQalisa uKwakha uLwakhiwo lweSityalo seNdibano esitsha seBattery eziPhezulu zeVoltge e-Lower Bavaria. Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Iplagi yebhetri yemoto yombane kunye nesikhululo sokutshaja se-ev

Ubukrelekrele beAdamas: Ukusasazwa kweLithium kwii-EV eziNtsha ukuya kuma-40% ngo-2023 kuNyaka-ngoNyaka

Adamas Intelligence data shows that a combined total of 408,214 tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) were deployed onto roads globally last year in the batteries of all newly sold passenger EVs combined, a 40% increase over 2022. Europe and the Americas made up 40% of the global total with…

Ubukrelekrele beAdamas: Ukusasazwa kweLithium kwii-EV eziNtsha ukuya kuma-40% ngo-2023 kuNyaka-ngoNyaka Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Electric car plugged in with charging station to recharge battery

Ubukrelekrele beAdamas: Ukusetyenziswa kweNickel yase-US kwiibhetri ze-EV zitsibe ngama-50% kuNyaka-ngoMnyaka kaJan-Novemba ka-2023

According to data from Adamas Intelligence, through the first 11 months of 2023 a total of 253,648 tonnes of nickel were deployed onto roads in the batteries of all newly sold passenger EVs worldwide—a 40% increase over the same period of 2022. Through the first 11 months of last year,…

Ubukrelekrele beAdamas: Ukusetyenziswa kweNickel yase-US kwiibhetri ze-EV zitsibe ngama-50% kuNyaka-ngoMnyaka kaJan-Novemba ka-2023 Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Umboniso weToyota Corolla

IToyota Yaris entsha ibonelela ngoLondolozo loMbane, iHybrid Powertrain enamandla ngakumbi: Hybrid 130

Toyota has updated the latest generation of its Yaris with an additional, more powerful new hybrid electric powertrain; significant new and enhanced safety and driver assistance features; and all-new driver’s instrumentation and multimedia system that exploit the potential of digital technology. The new Yaris offers customers the option of a…

IToyota Yaris entsha ibonelela ngoLondolozo loMbane, iHybrid Powertrain enamandla ngakumbi: Hybrid 130 Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

The car battery of the automobile electrical system in the engine compartment

Benchmark: Li-ion Battery Boom Driving Fluorspar Demand

Fluorspar demand from the lithium-ion battery sector is expected to exceed 1.6 million tonnes by 2030, representing a significant portion of the overall market, according to Benchmark’s new Fluorspar Market Outlook. This mineral, primarily composed of calcium fluoride (CaF2), holds potential beyond its traditional uses in refrigerants, steelmaking and aluminum…

Benchmark: Li-ion Battery Boom Driving Fluorspar Demand Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Isikhululo sokutshaja isithuthi sombane sihlawulela ibhetri ye-EV

Inkokeli yeLithium uAlbemarle Ukusika iCapex kunye neMisebenzi ngo-2024 Ukuhlengahlengisa kwiiMeko zeMarike

Leading supplier of lithium and lithium derivatives Albemarle is cutting its planned capex in 2024 from approximately $2.1 billion in 2023 to the range of $1.6 billion to $1.8 billion as the company adjusts to changing end-market conditions, particularly in the lithium value chain. Morgan Stanley’s “Best of Lithium Index” shows…

Inkokeli yeLithium uAlbemarle Ukusika iCapex kunye neMisebenzi ngo-2024 Ukuhlengahlengisa kwiiMeko zeMarike Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Skrolela phezulu