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Ii-Unicorns zexesha elizayo kwi-Artificial Intelligence

Khuphela ingxelo

  • VC investment trend in AI: VC investments in AI on the rise until Q4 2020 with substantial increase in funding in Q1 2021
  • AI investment by stage of startups: In recent quarters, early-stage startups recorded the highest number of deals among startups
  • AI regional investment activity: In Q2 2021, industry reported investment in excess of $17 billion spanning 632 deals globally
  • AI Patent Trends: Applications for patents and granted patents show substantial growth during 2015-2020 due to broad adoption of AI across technologies and sectors
  • AI hiring trends: Number of active jobs in AI continues to increase, and jobs in AI in TMT (Technology, Media and Telecom) recorded the highest growth
  • AI company filing analysis: Company filings reflect an uptrend in the AI mentions and number of filer companies discussing AI in the past years
  • Future AI unicorns: A whole raft of innovative AI startups with cutting-edge expertise spanning sectors are predicted to become tomorrow’s unicorns

Umthombo ovela Idatha yeHlabathi

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