Ikhaya » Logistics » Uhlaziyo lweNtengiso » Uhlaziyo lweMarike yoThutho: Okthobha 30, 2022

Uhlaziyo lweMarike yoThutho: Okthobha 30, 2022

Uhlaziyo lwemarike yempahla yolwandle

China - kuMntla Melika

  • Utshintsho lwexabiso: Without a bounce-back in demand, freight rates continue to fall.
  • Utshintsho kwimarike: Congestions have been seen at major US sea ports and rail hubs. In Canada, port congestions and delays have been worsening. Railway delays are getting better than last week.
  • I ngcebiso: Bhukisha iimpahla zakho ubuncinane kwiiveki ezi-2 phambi komhla wokulungiswa komthwalo (CRD).

China - eYurophu

  • Utshintsho lwexabiso: Amazinga othutho aye ehla ngenxa yokuncipha kwemfuno.
  • Utshintsho kwimarike: Indawo ifumaneka ngokulula kodwa ukuthembeka kweshedyuli kuyachaphazeleka. Amazibuko aseYurophu atsala nzima phantsi kokulibaziseka okukhulu. Le meko ikwabangela amaxesha amade okukhokela iinqanawa zokubuyela eAsia.
  • I ngcebiso: Seta ixesha le-buffer xa ucwangcisa ukuthunyelwa kwakho.

Uthutho lomoya / uhlaziyo lwentengiso yentengiso

China – America/Europe/Oceania

  • Utshintsho lwexabiso: In the second half of October, the freight rates of Express via JY (Premium) increased, including Indonesia, South America, Europe, and Africa. 

The freight rate of Freight via JL (Economy) decreased.

  • Iinkonzo ezintsha ezifumanekayo: On-time delivery guaranteed offerings are available from Air Charter Express US (Premium). For chartered SKA customers, logistics VIPs, and customers with a logistics level of Level-2 or Level-3, the company provides an on-time delivery guarantee (with compensations for shipping delays).

Lightweight Goods Express (Standard) now operates 2-30KG shipping in the US, France, and Australia.

isikhanyeli: Lonke ulwazi kunye neembono kule post zinikezelwe ngeenjongo zokubhekisela kuphela kwaye azibandakanyi naluphi na utyalo-mali okanye iingcebiso zokuthenga. Ulwazi olucatshulwe kule ngxelo luphuma kumaxwebhu emarike yoluntu kwaye lunokutshintshwa. I-Cooig.com ayenzi ziqinisekiso okanye iziqinisekiso zokuchaneka okanye ukuthembeka kolwazi olungentla.

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