Ikhaya » Ukufumana iimveliso » Umoya ovuselelekayo » UFakelo olutsha lwePV yaseFransi lubethe i-3.15 GW ngo-2023

UFakelo olutsha lwePV yaseFransi lubethe i-3.15 GW ngo-2023

Imarike yelanga yaseFransi ikhule malunga ne-30% kwi-2023, yafikelela kwi-3.15 GW, ngokwedatha entsha evela e-Enedis. Iinkqubo ze-PV zokuzityela zibalelwa malunga nesinye kwisithathu sazo zonke izongezo zomthamo omtsha.

Jossuha Théophile, Unsplash

France deployed around 921 MW of new PV systems in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to new figures released by French grid operator Enedis. For all of 2023, the country added 3,135 MW of new solar capacity.

The results represent a 30% increase from 2022, when around 2.6 GW of solar was installed. In 2021, the nation added 2.8 GW of new PV capacity.

Enedis said the figures for 2023 are provisional, so the total could actually be higher. The grid operator said that one-third of the capacity installed last year, or around 1,122 MW, came from PV systems under the national self-consumption scheme. It noted that self-consumption PV capacity almost doubled to reach 2,256 MW.

“The results of this year must be recognized and supported,” said Daniel Bour, president of Enerplan, the French solar association. “2024 will, logically, amplify these results, following the new regulatory provisions, with an objective that we expect to be well above 4 GW.”

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