Ikhaya » Ukuthengisa kunye nokuThengisa » EXCLUSIVE: Unlocking Cooig.com’s Success Secrets With Yikun Shao
Cooig.com’s efforts to transform international logistics

EXCLUSIVE: Unlocking Cooig.com’s Success Secrets With Yikun Shao

What makes Cooig.com a dominant player in the B2B logistics space? There’s an entire list of reasons. But let’s unpack them one by one. In this episode of B2B Breakthrough, host uSharon Gayi idityaniswe ngu Yikun Shao, INtloko yeCandelo loBonelelo lwe-B2B eMntla Melika kwindawo Cooig Group, to share insights into how Cooig.com is revolutionizing the way small businesses approach global sourcing and logistics.

The heartbeat of global trade
A new era of transparency and efficiency
The game changer
When sustainability meets innovation
The future of logistics
Okunye malunga Yikun

The heartbeat of global trade

At its core, Cooig.com is more than just a marketplace; it’s a global B2B powerhouse facilitating seamless trade across borders. With logistics services stretching to over 220 countries and regions through 26,000 global routes, the platform is a beacon for over 1.1 million buyers, managing an astonishing flow of more than 4 million packages annually. Going beyond simply moving boxes, Cooig.com connects dreams, ambitions, and opportunities worldwide, making it the go-to destination for wholesale sourcing.

A new era of transparency and efficiency

Cooig.com provides transparent sourcing costs, including logistics and real-time shipment tracking capabilities, enabling informed procurement decisions. The Deliver by Cooig.com Logistics program and its logistics marketplace offer a transparent lens into sourcing costs coupled with real-time shipment tracking. This empowers businesses to make informed procurement decisions, ensuring timely and reliable delivery of ready-to-ship products while connecting them with plenty of vetted logistics providers for tailor-made shipping solutions.

The game changer

We’re talking about AI. Cooig.com doesn’t shy away from leveraging the technology to supercharge the operational efficiency and growth prospects of small businesses. For example, The Smart Assistant is transforming global sourcing with features like advanced image search, predictive sentence realization, and enhanced customer support.

Additionally, Cooig.com has implemented AI initiatives that go beyond just simplifying sourcing. The platform has incorporated generative AI capabilities, similar to those used in advanced tools like DALL-E, allowing customers to generate product images based on typed instructions, which can be used in Request for Quotations (RFQs) or product searches on the platform.

When sustainability meets innovation

Beyond another buzzword, sustainability became a critical decision-making factor for businesses and consumers. Yikun highlights how Cooig.com is leading by example, prioritizing the transformation of its supply chain to meet the increasing demand for eco-friendly practices and transparency. As a result, customers can find affordable and personalized logistics solutions while managing high costs and delivery uncertainties.

“We certainly recognize the increasing importance of sustainability in the modern business landscape. And we are actively prioritizing the transformation of our supply chain to meet these demands. So, in practice, we fulfill our sustainability commitments by placing a strong emphasis on the sustainability practices of sellers.”

The future of logistics

Automation, AI, data analytics, and a firm commitment to sustainability are all part of the future. Don’t look way ahead; this future is already here. Customers are already searching for more personalized B2B logistics solutions and collaborative logistics networks, which also promise to reduce shipping costs and optimize transportation routes.

Okunye malunga Yikun

U-Yikun Shao yiNtloko ye-Supply Chain ye-B2B eMntla Melika kwiQela le-Cooig. Ugqwesile kwinkalo yorhwebo lwehlabathi kunye nokuveliswa kwezinto ezintsha, ezisa phantse amashumi amabini eminyaka yamava oshishino kwindima yakhe njengeNtloko yeCandelo loBonelelo lweshishini le-Cooig.com laseMntla American B2B. Phambi kwendima yakhe yangoku, uYikun uchithe ngaphezulu kweminyaka eli-15 efumana ubuchwephesha kurhwebo lwehlabathi kunye nothethwano lweshishini kunye nePwC kulo lonke elaseTshayina, eJapan, naseUnited States. Izakhono zakhe eziphambili zilele kuphuhliso lweshishini lamazwe ngamazwe, isicwangciso sobuchule, izithethe, kunye norhwebo, kunye nocwangciso lokubonelela kunye nolawulo lolungiselelo.

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