Cost and Freight (CFR) is an incoterm that describes an arrangement where the seller is responsible for clearing the goods for export, delivery onboard the vessel at the port of origin, and paying for the main carriage to the port of destination.
Malunga noMbhali
Iqela lelona qonga liphambili kurhwebo lwehlabathi jikelele olunceda izigidi zabathengi kunye nababoneleli kwihlabathi liphela., amashishini amancinci anokuthengisa iimveliso zawo kwiinkampani ezikwamanye amazwe. Abathengisi ngokuqhelekileyo ngabavelisi kunye nabasasazi abazinze eTshayina nakwamanye amazwe avelisa anjengeIndiya, iPakistan, iUnited States kunye neThailand.