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Amaxabiso eModyuli yeSolar yaseTshayina Zibambe kwiMarike eZolile

Kuhlaziyo olutsha lweveki ye pv imagazini, I-OPIS, inkampani ye-Dow Jones, inikezela ngokukhawuleza kwiimpawu eziphambili zexabiso kwishishini le-PV yehlabathi jikelele.

Module FOB China prices March-May

The Chinese Module Marker (CMM), the OPIS benchmark assessment for TOPCon modules from China and mono PERC module prices held steady at $0.115 per W and $0.105/W, respectively.

Module FOB China prices March-May

Market activity in the Chinese market has yet to pick up although Chinese solar companies have returned after the Labour Day holidays. Trading remained subdued with few buyers in the market and these buyers were mostly bargain hunting, a market source said.

Demand remained weak as upstream prices across the solar value chain had previously extended losses before the Labour Day holidays. Although upstream prices held steady this week in a quiet market, market sources expect prices to fall in the coming days as trading activity resumes.

Module prices are expected to continue a downtrend amid weakness in the upstream sector, concurred many during OPIS’ weekly market survey. However, other market participants pointed out that module prices have already fallen below the cost of production which stands at about $0.126/W, and there is no longer any room for further price declines.

There is the expectation that mono PERC prices will continue to hold steady as supply will gradually tighten with demand shifting towards TOPCon modules. The limited availability of mono PERC modules could result in mono PERC prices trading higher, a market veteran said.

Module manufacturers may reduce their operating rates in May to mitigate falling prices and restore the supply/demand balance in the market. Previously in April, the operating rates of module manufacturers were between 70% and 100%.

The global solar cell and module manufacturing industry is currently operating at a utilization rate of approximately 50%, according to the EIA.

Trading activity for Southeast Asian modules has been limited as uncertainty persists regarding antidumping/countervailing duties (AD/CVD). Buyers are adopting a wait-and-see approach regarding policy development and there are relatively few new contracts signed recently, a Southeast Asian module producer said.

Another market participant noted that module prices will likely rise in anticipation of the potential duties. Nonetheless, these anticipated price increases have yet to impact the market as buyers remain hesitant to secure new contracts due to high inventory levels in the United States.

I-OPIS, inkampani ye-Dow Jones, inikezela ngamaxabiso amandla, iindaba, idatha, kunye nohlalutyo lwepetroli, i-diesel, i-jet fuel, i-LPG / NGL, amalahle, isinyithi, kunye neekhemikhali, kunye namafutha avuselelekayo kunye nezinto ezisingqongileyo. Ifumene i-asethi yedatha yexabiso kwi-Singapore Solar Exchange ngo-2022 kwaye ngoku ipapasha i-OPIS APAC iNgxelo yeVeki yeSolar.

Iimbono kunye nezimvo ezichazwe kweli nqaku zezababhali ngokwakhe, kwaye azibonakalisi ezo zigcinwe ngu pv imagazini.

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Umthombo ovela pv imagazini

Ukuziphendulela: Ulwazi oluchazwe ngasentla lunikezelwa yi-pv-magazine.com ngaphandle kwe-Cooig.com. I-Cooig.com ayenzi lumelo kunye neziqinisekiso malunga nomgangatho kunye nokuthembeka komthengisi kunye neemveliso.

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