Bunker Adjustment Factor
I-Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF) imele inqanaba lexabiso elihlengahlengisiweyo lamafutha kwiinqanawa zokuthutha imithwalo yaselwandle, kwaye ihlaziywa rhoqo ngekota.
Izimvo eziphambili kunye nohlaziyo lwemarike yolungiselelo kunye norhwebo.
I-Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF) imele inqanaba lexabiso elihlengahlengisiweyo lamafutha kwiinqanawa zokuthutha imithwalo yaselwandle, kwaye ihlaziywa rhoqo ngekota.
Impahla ebondiweyo ibhekiselele ekuthunyelweni ngeemali ezihlawulwayo ezingahlawulwanga ezigcinwa kwiindawo zokugcina iimpahla ezilawulwa ngokwesiko de kube ukuthunyelwa kucinywe.
Ukugcinwa kweyadi kubhekiselele kugcino lwezikhongozeli ezigcinwe kwiyadi ebiyelweyo yomqhubi welori endaweni yetheminali.
I-US Customs kunye noKhuseleko lweBorder (CBP) yi-arhente yeSebe loKhuseleko lweLizwe elijongene norhwebo lwangaphandle kunye nokuhamba ukuya e-US.
Amasiko aseMelika kunye noKhuseleko lweMida Funda ngokugqithisileyo "
Ummeli woRhwebo wase-US (USTR) ligosa likarhulumente elinoxanduva lokongamela uthethathethwano lwamazwe ngamazwe lwaseMelika ngorhwebo lwangaphandle, imveliso, kunye nomgaqo-nkqubo wotyalo-mali oluthe ngqo.
Iimviwo zeCustoms kunye noKhuseleko lweMida yase-US (CBP) ephawula ukuba ngowuphi na umthwalo oza kuhlolwa kwakhona.
Uvavanyo olunzulu lwezithethe luvavanyo lomzimba oluqhutywa kwisikhululo soviwo esiphakathi (CES) ngamagosa e-US Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Umrhumo weemviwo zesiko yimali yokucubungula eyenziwa xa ukuthunyelwa kuvalelwe inkqubo yoviwo lwesithethe.
Indawo yokugcina impahla ebotshelelwayo liziko elilawulwa ngokwesiko lokugcina iimpahla ezinemisebenzi engekahlawulwa de zibe zihlawulwe okanye de zikhutshwe ngokusemthethweni.
I-Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) yinkqubo yase-US yeCustoms kunye noKhuseleko lweBorder yokuphucula ukhuseleko lothungelwano lonikezelo lwehlabathi.
A residential delivery fee may be charged by a trucker for delivery to a residential location.
Umrhumo wokuHanjiswa kweNdawo yokuhlala Funda ngokugqithisileyo "
A bobtail fee is incurred if a trucker drops the FCL container to the warehouse and returns later to pick up the empty container.
A liftgate fee is typically charged by a trucker for delivery to a location where a liftgate service is needed due to a lack of a loading dock.
Umrhumo wokulinda welori uhlawuliswa umqhubi welori ukuba kuthatha ixesha elide kunesiqhelo sasimahla seeyure ezi-1-2 zokulinda ukuchola okanye ukothula isikhongozeli esigcweleyo.
A customs hold happens when the local customs authorities detain the goods imported into a country in order to check for compliance with the relevant shipping laws.