Ikhaya » Ukufumana iimveliso » Izahlulo zemoto & nezincedisi » IKomishoni yaMandla yaseCalifornia ivume i-$ 1.9B iSicwangciso sokwandisa i-Zero-Emission Infrastructure Transportation
Isikhululo sokutshaja kwe-EV

IKomishoni yaMandla yaseCalifornia ivume i-$ 1.9B iSicwangciso sokwandisa i-Zero-Emission Infrastructure Transportation

The California Energy Commission (CEC) approved a $1.9 billion investment plan that accelerates progress on the state’s electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen refueling goals. These investments will help deploy infrastructure for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) across California, creating the most extensive charging and hydrogen refueling network in the country.

The plan details how the CEC’s Clean Transportation Program will spend $1.9 billion in state funding over the next four years, with at least 50% targeted to benefit priority populations. The funding is part of the $48-billion dollar California Climate Commitment, which includes more than $10 billion for ZEVs and ZEV infrastructure. The state has also received billions from the federal government.

2023-2027 Clean Transportation Program Investments

The funds approved will result in 40,000 new chargers statewide. Nearly 94,000 public and shared private chargers are installed today. Combined with previous investment plans, funding from the federal government, utilities and other programs, the state expects to reach 250,000 chargers in the next few years. This is in addition to private installations and home chargers.

Inkxaso-mali iya kufumaneka kule minyaka mine izayo kwaye isasazwe kwiiprojekthi ngokukhuphisana nenkxaso-mali. Iiprojekthi ziquka iinkqubo ezithe ngqo zenkuthazo kunye nezaphulelo kumashishini, imibutho engenzi ngeniso, izizwe kunye nee-arhente zoluntu.

First created in 2007, the Clean Transportation Program is one of the first transportation-focused funding efforts established to help advance the state’s climate change policies. To date, $1.8 billion has been invested in projects supporting ZEV infrastructure, alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies.

Umthombo ovela INkongolo yemoto eGreen

Ukuziphendulela: Ulwazi olubekwe ngasentla lunikezelwa yi-greencarcongress.com ngaphandle kwe-Cooig.com. I-Cooig.com ayenzi lumelo kunye neziqinisekiso malunga nomgangatho kunye nokuthembeka komthengisi kunye neemveliso.

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