ICandelo leZinxibo zase-US lahlulwe malunga nendlela yokuDala iTyathanga loNikezelo oluZimayo
AAFA and NCTO shared different views with the US Trade Representative (USTR) hearing on how to create more resilient apparel supply chains.
AAFA and NCTO shared different views with the US Trade Representative (USTR) hearing on how to create more resilient apparel supply chains.
Apparel and retail organisations urge the US government to eliminate import tariffs and include certain apparel products in GSP.
US Apparel Industry Against Higher Tariffs on Apparel Imports Funda ngokugqithisileyo "
The NRF said recent import levels show that supply chains have ‘adjusted’ to disruption and consumers are shopping again.
US Import Volumes Set To Rise as Supply Chain Overcomes Disruption Funda ngokugqithisileyo "
GlobalData’s latest report reveals how geopolitical crises influence consumers’ behaviour and attitudes, impacting apparel.
In Data: How Are Geopolitical Crises Affecting the Apparel Sector? Funda ngokugqithisileyo "
Inflation is expected to ease to 2.9% in 2024, however 51.5% of US apparel consumers are not reassured and plan to reduce retail spend.
In Data: Half of US Consumers To Cut Back on Retail Spend in 2024 Funda ngokugqithisileyo "
Fast Company’s annual index of the most innovative fashion companies in 2024 include Circ, Skims, Canada Goose and Citizens of Humanity.
Who Are the World’s Ten Most Innovative Fashion Firms? Funda ngokugqithisileyo "
ONS figures for March showcase stagnant growth as it believes higher prices have affected consumer spending habits.
Amazon is investing more than €700m in robotics and AI innovations to enhance its customer services and employee experience.
Amazon To Invest €700M in Robotics, AI-Powered Tech in Europe Funda ngokugqithisileyo "
Iinkxalabo malunga nokuzinza kunye nokuziphatha phakathi kwecandelo lefashoni zisekhona kodwa ukufikeleleka kuye kwaba yinto ekugxilwe kuyo kakhulu kubathengi bempahla.
IForam yesine ye-IPF yase-UK BFC yabona iingxoxo ezijolise ekukhawuleziseni uqoqosho lwefashoni ejikelezayo kunye nokuhlangabezana neenzame ezipheleleyo ngo-2030.
Ingxelo entsha yoTshintshiselwano lwamalaphu ichaza iindlela zokwenza ifashoni kunye neshishini lelaphu liyeke ukusebenzisa imathiriyeli ekrwada yokwenziwa.
Ukuvezwa kweveki ephelileyo kugxininise kumanzi amdaka eendlela zokuvelisa abathengisi kunye nesidingo sokuphendula kwishishini lefashoni.
IVeki yoPhononongo: Ngaba iNzuzo kaTrump eluhlaza kwiFashoni? Funda ngokugqithisileyo "
I-BRC, i-New Look, i-Walpole, ivakalisa ukuphoxeka emva kokuba i-Budget yase-UK ingaphumeleli ukujongana neenkxalabo zabathengisi bempahla kwiirhafu zoshishino kunye ne-VAT.
Isigebenga sefashoni ekhawulezayo uShein kuxelwa ukuba udibanisa izicwangciso zokuthengisa iziseko zobonelelo ngemveliso kwiimpawu zehlabathi.
I-inflation ye-UK ye-inflation iye yawela kwi-3.4% kunye ne-British Retail Consortium ithi amanani aqhutywe ngokuwa kwempahla kunye nezicathulo.
Isinxibo siNcedisa i-UK ye-Inflation phantsi Funda ngokugqithisileyo "