Airline storage fees are charged when an air freight shipment is not picked up after the goods have been unloaded off a flight within the allotted free time. It is typically billed directly by the air cargo terminal as an additional fee or can be quoted in advance by the airline company. It applies to the import and export of goods.
Malunga noMbhali
Iqela lelona qonga liphambili kurhwebo lwehlabathi jikelele olunceda izigidi zabathengi kunye nababoneleli kwihlabathi liphela., amashishini amancinci anokuthengisa iimveliso zawo kwiinkampani ezikwamanye amazwe. Abathengisi ngokuqhelekileyo ngabavelisi kunye nabasasazi abazinze eTshayina nakwamanye amazwe avelisa anjengeIndiya, iPakistan, iUnited States kunye neThailand.