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Vận đơn nhà là gì

In the shipping world, a vận đơn is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions of transport. A bill of lading is considered a “Có lỗi xảy ra. Hãy khắc phục các vấn đề sau” as it governs how the cargo will be handled from pickup to delivery. The term “đang tải” comes from the word “tải,” which refers to loading cargo onto ships or trucks for transport across land or sea.

There are a few types of bills of lading, but it’s critical to utilize the correct type to track shipments and make sure they arrive at their destination safely. House bills of lading are one of the most common forms used in vận tải đường biển. Understanding what they are, who issues them, and how to use them effectively can help businesses avoid costly mistakes and ensure that their shipping process runs smoothly.

Mục lục
What is a house bill of lading?
Who issues house bills of lading?
What is the purpose of a house bill of lading?
What should every house bill of lading include?
House bill of lading vs master bill of lading
Protecting the cargo with proper shipping documentation

What is a house bill of lading?

Ảnh chụp cận cảnh một người đang viết hợp đồng

A house bill of lading (“HBL”) is a legal document issued by a giao nhận hàng hóa (we’ll get to who shortly) that acknowledges that it has received goods to be shipped. In general, the HBL will be issued after an inspection of the cargo has been completed. This ensures the người nhận hàng (buyer/importer) that there are no missing or damaged items and that nothing has been added to or removed from the shipment before it leaves port.

HBL includes the names of all parties involved in the shipment, as well as information about its contents and value. This can help ensure that everyone involved in a shipping process knows what they are responsible for and how much they will be reimbursed if there is damage or loss. The house bill of lading also includes a description of any shipping instructions provided by the shipper, but it should not be considered an endorsement or acceptance by either party.

Who issues house bills of lading?

Tàu chở hàng Evergreen màu xanh lá cây và xám

Most bills of lading (e.g., vận đơn chính) are issued by a shipping line—the company that owns and operates actual carriers. But not all businesses have large-scale shipments that take up entire containers, so they can’t negotiate directly with the shipping companies. This is where house bills of lading come into play. They are issued by non-vessel operating common carriers (NVOCC), who buy cargo spaces from operating carriers in bulk quantities, and then resell them to small and mid-sized shippers at a smaller profit.

In this sense, an NVOCC issues a Vận đơn to cover a consolidation shipment—that is, an assortment of parcels shipped by various companies that have been grouped by the forwarder. For example, once receiving all shipments from each shipper and consolidating them into one large shipping lot, the forwarding company issues multiple house bills for the respective shippers.

What is the purpose of a house bill of lading?

The purpose of a house bill of lading is to document the shipment of goods from one location to another. But it serves other purposes as well—let’s take a closer look at them.

Proof of receipt

Document on top of a box

The house bill of lading is a formal acknowledgment that the carrier has taken possession of the goods and will deliver them to their final destination. It acts as an unconditional receipt for consignees, who will sign it when they receive the goods from the carrier.

Document of assurance

Cutout paper appliques of insurance under pink umbrella

A house bill of lading is a document that certifies that the consignment has been received in good condition. It assures the consignee that their shipment has been loaded safely and without damage. Furthermore, this legal document makes the carrier liable for any damage or loss that occurs during transit.

Transfer of custody

Agent giving a printed document to a buyer

The transfer of custody is one of the most important purposes for a house bill of lading. It allows the carrier to be legally responsible for the goods and makes sure that they are transferred to the rightful owner. If the consignee cannot provide the required documentation, they will not be able to take possession of their shipment.

What should every house bill of lading include?

Now that we know what is a house bill of lading and its role in the shipping process, this section will walk through the various sections contained within a standard HBL template.

Standard template of a house bill of lading
PhầnMô tả
Người gửi hàngDetails about the actual người giao hàng or exporter (consignor), including their company name, address, and contact information.
Người nhận hàngDetails about the receiver or buyer, including their company name, address, and contact information.
Đại lý chuyển tiếpThe name and contact information of the company that is responsible for transporting the goods. For example, this could be a freight forwarder or non-vessel operating company (NVOCC).
Xuất khẩu nhà cung cấp dịch vụThe name of the actual carrier that operates the shipping line. This company provides shipping space and containers to forwarding agents.
Thông báo cho bênThe contact information of the entities who are supposed to be notified when the shipment arrives at its destination.
Số của tập tinEach consignment is given a unique ID so that it can be tracked across all stages of the supply chain.
Thông tin hàng hóaA full description of the items being transported, including their quantity, weight, dimensions, number of containers, and any special markings.
cổngThe name of the ports where the goods will be loaded and unloaded onto and off of the vessel. They are known as “cổng of loading"Và"cổng of discharge."
Lô hàng ngàyThe day the items were loaded onto a vessel for transportation. This will let all parties know when the shipment was made and how long it took to reach its destination.
Các điều khoản thanh toánThis section details whether the freight charges are paid before or after delivery, as well as how much money is due at each stage of the process. For example, it could be collected by a cashier or prepaid by check or credit card.
Hướng dẫn đặc biệtThis section provides instructions for how to handle and maintain the shipment. This is especially important for high-value orders or fragile goods.
Chế độ của vận chuyểnThe manner in which the goods are transported from the point of exit to their final destination. Generally, there are three main modes of transportation: vận chuyển đường biển, vận tải hàng khôngvà vận tải đường bộ.

House bill of lading vs master bill of lading

The house bill of lading and the master bill of lading are both legal documents that contain information about cargo and serve similar purposes. They are used in maritime transportation to confirm that a shipment has taken place, to provide details about the contents of a shipment, and to establish ownership rights.

The only difference between an HBL and MBL is the ban hành bên. A house bill of lading is issued by an NVOCC or freight forwarder and usually lists the actual consignor and consignee. On the other hand, a master bill of lading is issued by the mainline carrier itself—and usually lists all parties involved in the transportation of goods.

Protecting the cargo with proper shipping documentation

When shipping internationally, it’s important to make sure that the cargo is covered by all appropriate documents and paperwork. Without a valid bill of lading, the cargo will be at risk of being held up by customs authorities or penalized. Learn more about chứng từ giao hàng to get goods where they need to go quickly and safely!

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