Theo báo cáo mới của Wood Mackenzie, chi phí thấp hơn, chuỗi cung ứng tốt hơn và nhu cầu ổn định đang thúc đẩy sự bùng nổ lưu trữ năng lượng tại Hoa Kỳ.

Wood Mackenzie said in its latest report that battery energy storage deployments across the United States continue to surge, with data through the first quarter of 2024.
Across all segments, the US energy storage industry deployed 8.7 GW, a record-breaking growth of 90% year on year. The nation deployed 4.2 GW in the fourth quarter of 2023, and installations in California and Texas accounted for 77% of fourth-quarter additions, said Wood Mackenzie.
The US grid-scale storage market shattered previous quarterly installation records in the fourth quarter of 2023, deploying 3,983 MW/11,769 MWh, leading to an average duration of 2.95 hours. A combination of short-duration energy storage serving acute peak electricity demand times and four-hour grid-scale batteries are common configurations in today’s market.
The residential energy storage market reached a marginal record quarter in Q4, 2023, deploying 218.5 MW, beating the record set by the third quarter of of 210.9 MW. The community, commercial, and industrial (CCI) segment deployed 33.9 MW, with the most deployment occurring in California, Massachusetts, and New York, said Wood Mackenzie.

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