GlobalData Social Media Analytics dashboard tracks online conversations of Twitter Influencers selected by GlobalData and popular Reddit channels, which enable users to analyze in-depth all critical trends emerging on social platforms in real-time.
The “Top Industry Trends on Twitter to Watch in 2023 for Retail Sector” analyzed the top trends on Twitter tracked by GlobalData’s Social Media Analytics platform, over the period 1st Jan 2021 – 23 Dec 2022 and identified the list of top six trends, which are shortlisted based on the total posts during the selected period.
“Phygital Stores,” emerged as the most mentioned trend based on the volume of discussions with 1,494 tweets in 2022. The trend has gained more than 10K engagements. “Product Returns” and “Metaverse for Retail” were other leading trends in Retail Sector.
For more information on other top trends, download the report “Những xu hướng hàng đầu của ngành trên Twitter cần chú ý vào năm 2023 đối với ngành bán lẻ".
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