Italy deployed 4.2 GW of solar capacity and 260,000 new PV systems from January to August.

Image: Miha Rekar, Unsplash
From pv magazine Italy
Italy added around 4.2 GW of newly installed solar power in the first eight months of 2024, according to Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (GSE), the Italian energy agency.
This means that the country’s cumulative PV capacity reached 34.48 GW at the end of August.
“In eight months, around 206,000 renewable energy systems came online, bringing the total number of the plants in operation to over 1.8 million,” said GSE President Paolo Arrigoni.
Overall, Italy added 5 GW of renewable energy capacity from January to August, bringing its total clean energy capacity to 67 GW. The GSE said it expects around 9 GW of new renewable energy capacity to be deployed this year.
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