Trung tâm Công nghệ Năng lượng Sạch NC đưa tin về các xu hướng mới nhất trong chính sách năng lượng mặt trời của Hoa Kỳ.

State-level policy is a key factor in distributed solar and energy storage markets across the United States. Policies change frequently across the 50 states, and tracking these changes are essential for businesses looking to maximize the value they provide.
The North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center maintains DSIRE, or the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency, to keep businesses and consumers up to date on distributed energy regulatory structures and related incentives. Below are 2023 trends as reported by DSIRE in a January 2024 report.
“Many states and utilities are transitioning away from traditional net metering structures and are researching or implementing new rate structures, whether that be net billing, time-of-use based net metering, or something in-between,” said Rebekah de la Mora, senior policy analyst. “These changes are not just affecting residential customers, but also non-residential customers.”
A total of 273 state and utility level distributed solar policy and rate changes were proposed, pending, or decided in 2023, said the NC Clean Energy Technology Center.

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