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Sekta 10 za Kimataifa zenye Idadi Kubwa ya Biashara

Orodha ya Yaliyomo

Majengo ya Biashara ya Kimataifa

Washauri wa Usimamizi wa Kimataifa

Huduma za Uhasibu Ulimwenguni

Wakala na Wakala wa Bima Ulimwenguni

Utalii wa Ulimwenguni

Watoa Huduma za Mtandao Ulimwenguni

Hoteli na Hoteli za Kimataifa

Mikahawa ya Kimataifa ya Vyakula vya Haraka

Global HR & Recruitment Services

Huduma za Uhandisi Ulimwenguni

1. Majengo ya Biashara ya Kimataifa

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 7,031,496

Sekta ya Global Commercial Real Estate imekua kwa muda wa miaka mitano hadi 2022. Hata hivyo, imani ya wawekezaji ilipungua kidogo katika kipindi hicho, na hivyo kupunguza asilimia 0.2 ya kila mwaka. Zaidi ya hayo, mlipuko wa COVID-19 (coronavirus) ulifinya sana mahitaji huku kutokuwa na uhakika wa kiuchumi kukiongezeka. Hasa, mapato ya tasnia yalipungua kwa 7.2% na 4.0% mnamo 2020 na 2021, mtawalia. Kama matokeo, mapato ya tasnia yanatarajiwa kupungua kidogo ya kila mwaka ya 0.3% hadi $ 4.2 trilioni katika kipindi cha miaka mitano hadi 2022, licha ya ongezeko linalotarajiwa la 1.1% mnamo 2022 uchumi unapoimarika kutoka kwa janga la coronavirus.

2. Washauri wa Usimamizi wa Kimataifa

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 2,214,053

Operators in the Global Management Consultants industry provide advisory services to a range of clients to help improve organizational performance. Consultants focus on topics such as organizational design, process management and corporate strategy. Over the five years to 2022, demand for management consulting services has increased, despite the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic negatively affecting the industry in 2020. However, industry profit is expected to decline during the period as wage pressure, competition and reduced demand in 2022 weigh on profit growth. Between 2017 and 2019, global economic growth was the primary driver of industry revenue.

3. Huduma za Uhasibu Ulimwenguni

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 1,590,203

Waendeshaji katika sekta ya Huduma za Uhasibu Ulimwenguni kwa kawaida hutoa huduma mbalimbali, kama vile utayarishaji wa taarifa za fedha, uundaji wa bajeti na uhakiki wa rekodi za ukaguzi wa biashara ndogo, za kati na kubwa. Uimarishaji na ukuaji thabiti wa uchumi katika mataifa yaliyoendelea na kuendelea kwa nguvu katika mataifa mengi yanayoibukia kumehimiza uundaji wa biashara na upanuzi, na hivyo kuongeza idadi kubwa ya wateja kwa makampuni ya uhasibu. Kwa hivyo, mapato ya tasnia yanatarajiwa kuongezeka kwa kiwango cha kila mwaka cha 3.0% hadi $573.8 bilioni katika kipindi cha miaka mitano hadi 2022, na kuongeza 2.6% mnamo 2022 pekee.

4. Wakala na Wakala wa Bima Ulimwenguni

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 1,109,158

The Global Insurance Brokers and Agencies industry plays a critical role in the insurance market by distributing policies and consulting insurance underwriters and consumers. Given the transaction-based nature of the industry, revenue primarily depends on three factors, which include policy pricing, demand for insurance and the popularity of using agents and brokers in the distribution process. The industry has been hindered from the global economic uncertainty that has been caused by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

5. Utalii wa Ulimwenguni

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 803,506

The Global Tourism industry is expected to decrease an annualized 4.3% to $1.3 trillion over the five years to 2021. Global tourism has performed well during most of the five-year period, with emerging economies continuing to stimulate growth. Moreover, countries in Asia and South America have experienced robust growth in per capita income, which has enabled consumers in these regions to take overseas trips in increasing numbers. However, due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, industry revenue is expected to decline nearly 50.0% in 2020.

6. Watoa Huduma za Mtandao Ulimwenguni

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 752,597

Increasing use of the internet has significantly benefited the Global Internet Service Providers industry over the five years to 2021. Expansion has been propelled by rapid advancements in digital infrastructure and services, particularly in developing economies where internet penetration remains low. The emergence of powerful personal and business internet applications has transformed how businesses and consumers operate, and has also presented opportunities for operators to offer additional high-margin services. Despite these advancements, industry profit has declined over the five years to 2021.

7. Hoteli na Hoteli za Kimataifa

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 590,836

Over the five years to 2021, the Global Hotels and Resorts industry is anticipated to experience declining revenue. Initially, strong growth between 2016 and 2019 occurred as both consumers and businesses became more confident about their finances and spent more liberally on luxuries, including travel. This culminated in a substantial increase in both travel rates and hotel room and occupancy rates, two indicators of a hotel’s performance. Global tourist arrivals were also steadily increasing between 2016 and 2019 until a drastic drop in 2020 due to the global spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).

8. Mikahawa ya Kimataifa ya Vyakula vya Haraka

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 587,055

Katika kipindi cha miaka mitano hadi 2022, tasnia ya Migahawa ya Kimataifa ya Chakula Haraka imepanuka licha ya kubadilisha ladha ya watumiaji na uchumi unaoimarika wa kimataifa. Kadiri mapato yanayoweza kutumika yakiongezeka katika kipindi hicho, watumiaji waliongeza matumizi kwenye anasa, kama vile kula nje, kwa hivyo pia kuongeza mapato ya tasnia. Walakini, mikahawa inayotoa huduma kamili ilishinda uanzishaji wa vyakula vya haraka katika kipindi hiki, kwani watumiaji wengi walikuwa na mapato ya ziada. Sekta hiyo pia ilipata mahitaji thabiti na yanayokua kutoka kwa mataifa yanayoibukia kiuchumi, ambayo yalikuza utendaji wa jumla wa sekta hiyo. Katika kipindi hiki, tasnia pia imelazimika kuzoea matakwa ya watumiaji wanaojali afya.

9. Global HR & Recruitment Services

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 574,263

The Global HR and Recruitment Services industry relies on an organizations’ demand for outsourcing its recruitment processes and human resource management activities. Industry performance largely depends on economic conditions in major markets and the effect these conditions have on demand for labor worldwide. Labor market regulation, particularly relating to temporary employees, is also important to industry performance. While the liberalization of labor laws in developed nations has historically been essential to industry growth, large players have now focused on emerging markets.

10. Huduma za Uhandisi Ulimwenguni

Idadi ya Biashara za 2022: 455,894

Companies operating in the Global Engineering Services industry apply the physical laws and principles of engineering to design and develop structures, machines, materials, instruments and other processes and systems. Services also include providing advice, feasibility studies, designs and technical services during construction or development. Consequently, the performance of the industry relies on investment trends and the overall health of the economy to fuel projects where engineering services are needed. Strong investment in major markets, such as the United States, Europe and East Asia, has driven industry growth in recent years.

Chanzo kutoka IBISWorld

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