Ngozi Nyeti: APAC Mpya ya Kawaida?
Michanganyiko ya bidhaa mpya inalenga wale walio na ngozi kavu, inayowasha na iliyowashwa. Lakini je, bidhaa hizi mpya ni kiwango cha kisasa katika soko la APAC?
Tag ya Urembo
Michanganyiko ya bidhaa mpya inalenga wale walio na ngozi kavu, inayowasha na iliyowashwa. Lakini je, bidhaa hizi mpya ni kiwango cha kisasa katika soko la APAC?
Siku ya Akina Mama ni hafla nzuri kwa wauzaji reja reja kufurahia kuimarika kwa mauzo na kuvutia wateja wapya. Tazama mwongozo huu ili kupata ufahamu kuhusu zawadi bora kwa likizo hii maalum.
Mwongozo wa Zawadi ya Siku ya Akina Mama: Mawazo 7 Bora kwa Likizo Anayoipenda Soma zaidi "
Harufu nzuri huonyesha utu wa mtu na huwafanya wawe na harufu ya ajabu. Tumia mitindo hii kutawala soko la manukato mnamo 2024.
Mitindo ya 2024: Ubunifu wa Manukato ya Asia Mashariki ya Kuangalia Soma zaidi "
Bidhaa za urembo asilia zinavuka mipaka ya urembo. Gundua jinsi chapa hizi huchanganya viungo vya kitamaduni na sayansi ili kutoa bidhaa bora za urembo.
Chapa 5 za Ubunifu za Urembo wa Asili za Kutazama mnamo 2024 Soma zaidi "
Discover innovations and lifestyle drivers in Inter-Actions beauty forecast trends that will shape all product categories in A/W 24/25.
7 Inter-Actions Beauty Forecast for Autumn/Winter 2024/25 Soma zaidi "
Explore six eye and cheek finishes with unique features and high-profit potential that are set to boost brand sales in 2023.
Filamu 6 za Macho na Mashavu Ambayo Yataongeza Mauzo mnamo 2023 Soma zaidi "
Skincare and makeup trends are constantly evolving. Discover how brands can stay ahead of the curve with these top skin finishes of 2023.
Evolving Skin Finishes: The Latest Beauty Trends To Glean Soma zaidi "
Nordic beauty has been a major global beauty trend. Here are the current beauty trends in Nordic countries, specifically Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Norway.
Intelligence: Nordic Beauty Priorities by Country Soma zaidi "
Brazil’s cosmetic industry is becoming popular worldwide. Click here to know what businesses can expect and which products to sell.
Clean and green fragrance is becoming the new standard for consumers. Find out the best trends to watch in 2023 here.
Harufu Safi na Kijani: Mitindo 5 Muhimu ya 2023 Soma zaidi "
Well-groomed eyebrows can make a massive difference to a person’s appearance, so many men are adapting to new eyebrow trends and taking eyebrow grooming seriously.
Men’s Eyebrow Grooming: Everything You Need To Know Soma zaidi "
The 80s are back in the beauty industry. Find out six 80s makeup trends that will set your business apart this year.
Six 80s Makeup Trends Your Business Should Know About Soma zaidi "