Nyumbani » Upataji wa Bidhaa » Nishati Mbadala » Kampuni ya Acciona ya Uhispania Inakuza Hifadhi ya Nishati ya GW 2.4, Mseto wa Upepo wa Jua wa GW 1.8
Paneli za jua za photovoltaic zilizowekwa kwenye paa la jengo la maduka ya ununuzi

Kampuni ya Acciona ya Uhispania Inakuza Hifadhi ya Nishati ya GW 2.4, Mseto wa Upepo wa Jua wa GW 1.8

Acciona Energía imezindua mradi wake wa pili wa mseto wa jua la upepo nchini Uhispania, huko Villalba del Rey na Tinajas. Sehemu mpya ya nishati ya jua ya MWp 19.7 imeongezwa kwa eneo la upepo la MW 26.

Acciona Energía's 19.7 MW solar plant

Acciona Energía’s 19.7 MW solar plant hybridizes the Peralejo wind farm in the municipalities of Villalba del Rey and Tinajas, in Cuenca

Image: Acciona Energia

Madrid-based Acciona Energía has completed its second hybrid renewable generation facility in Spain with the construction of a 19.7 MWp photovoltaic plant at the site of its 26 MW Peralejo wind farm, in the municipalities of Villalba del Rey and Tinajas, in Cuenca. The site will generate 37 GWh of clean electricity per year.

Peralejo is the company’s second hybrid project. Hybridization enables the solar and wind fields to use the same grid connection point.

In January 2024, Acciona commissioned its first hybrid project, the 29.4 MWp solar and 36 MW wind Escepar site in Villalba del Rey. The company also developed the 50 MWp Bolarque photovoltaic plant in Tinajas. Acciona Energía is promoting another hybrid project in Granada, as gazeti la pv has reported, a 29.54 MW photovoltaic plant will be hybridized with the 30 MW Los Morrones wind farm, launched in 2008 and located in the municipalities of Baza and Zújar.

Acciona Energía has told gazeti la pv it has 1.8 GW of hybridization projects in the pipeline.

In terms of storage, the portfolio is 2.4 GW, of which 400 MW will be built in the United States.

In 2025, the company plans to build 83 MW of solar generation capacity in the Dominican Republic, at its Pedro Corto project, and 153 MW of in India, with its Juna site. In 2026, Acciona will build 48 MW of solar capacity at the Viscofan project in Spain, 225 MW at two projects in the United States – with another 115 MW to be added in 2027 – and another 100 MW at the Promina project, in Croatia.

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